as he began
loosening the buttons on his trousers.

Chapter Four
    What the hell was he doing? He
never used any of the slave girls. His fellow officers could laugh
behind his back if they wished but he had a reputation to uphold,
and that did not include using Company property to satisfy his
lust, even if there was nothing in the rulebook that forbade it. He
was not going to give head office the slimmest reason to criticise
or disapprove of his conduct. His captaincy could not be far off
now and with it would come the freedom of action he had been
working for for the past twelve years, the freedom to begin his
    The thought did not stop Drake
from taking his achingly hard cock from his pants and aiming it in
the girl’s direction. She gave a squeak of mingled outrage and
    “We can’t have an unwilling girl
serving the passengers,” he said as casually as he could, meeting her anxious gaze. “Of course, she’d
earn herself a caning if she proved unsatisfactory.” He nodded
towards the floor at his feet. “Kneel.”
    Still wearing her look of horror
she sank down before him.
    “The Chief was right, you are a
beauty, especially made-up and with your hair done like that.” He
seemed to be seeing her properly for the first time and she was
absolutely stunning, from the fair hair piled on top of her head to her red-painted toenails. There was something
irresistibly appealing about a girl kneeling naked before him.
There was also something very engaging about the bemused,
hunted doe expression this one wore on her face most of the time.
Perhaps, at least in part, it was that which had
drawn him back to watch her flogging. The main reason, however,
remained a mystery. It had certainly not been to watch the water
spraying from the wet cords lashing into Ann’s jerking buttocks, or
to savour their swish and splat against her skin and her anguished
cries. Yet he had known that if she had betrayed the merest hint
she was enjoying it, he would have been wishing it was he who
had been laying the strokes across her
defenceless flesh and making her writhe helplessly in her tight
    Drake blinked. Her eyes seemed
to have grown brighter and the rise and fall of her darkly wealed
breasts a little faster. When she ran the tip of her tongue
nervously over her lips he could resist no longer. Silently
consigning his self-imposed golden rule to hell, he gave in to his
need. “Well, get on with it. I haven’t got all day.”
    She reached out a shaking hand
and his cock shivered as her fingers curled around his thickened
flesh. Her sharply indrawn breath came at the same moment as his
own. Her hand was dry and warm and smooth. His
straining shaft felt as if it was pulsing as Ann tightened her
grip. Slowly, she began manipulating it. He watched her
movements for long seconds, savouring the sensations she was
creating before looking at her face. Her head was lowered.
    “Look at me,” he said, and she
raised her gaze to his. Her eyes were bright yet misty, clouded by
some emotion. Shame, humiliation? Unlikely from one of That Kind...
arousal then, excitement, pure lust. She would be wet now, though
there was no dribble of moisture on the floor beneath her or
telltale glistening on her firmly muscled thighs, as he had seen
with some. God, what thighs! The need to be between them rose
abruptly and Drake fought it off, leaned further back in his chair
and acknowledged what he really wanted.
    “In your mouth,” he said,
surprised by the catch in his voice. He had meant his tone to show
he expected instant compliance. Instead it had half-sounded like a
plea. He cleared his throat, breathing hard, eyes narrowing as he
watched her bow her head, part her jaws and guide his shaft between
her lips. Drake caught his breath again as Ann
drew on his tingling cock-head. She pressed the flat of her tongue
to its tip until wriggles of pleasure were running the length of
his shaft, and it was all he could do to resist the need

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