A Perfect Hero

Free A Perfect Hero by Samantha James

Book: A Perfect Hero by Samantha James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha James
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
bed. But as he lay back, she noticed how pale he was, his skin shades whiter than before. Beads of sweat dotted his upper lip.
    “The bleeding must be staunched. There’s a basket of cloths in the cupboard. Will you fetch them?”
    Julianna scurried to obey, wadding up a clean white cloth and holding it to his shoulder.
    “Press hard,” he said. “I realize you’re just a puny little thing, but try, will you, kitten?”
    “Don’t call me that!” Her breath was sawing in and out of her throat. It was half sob, half angry protest. Almost defiantly she leaned into him, us ing the heel of her hand to increase the pressure. Dane sucked in a scraping, labored breath.
    It seemed to take hours before, at last, the bleeding slowed to a trickle. She could see the hole where the bullet had gone in. The flesh around it was black with gunpowder. Somehow she hadn’t expected that, and it shook her to the core.
    Dane released the air from his lungs and looked at her. He regretted what he had to tell her, but it had to be done. “I’m afraid your work isn’t done yet, kitten. You’re going to have to re move the bullet.”
    “What!” she said faintly.
    “The ball is still in my shoulder.”
    She stared at him dumbly. Was he suggest ing . . . “Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe it—”
    He was shaking his head. “If it had gone clean through, it would have gone out through my back. It didn’t.”
    Julianna stared at him in horror. She shook her head wildly. “No. I can’t—”
    “Who else? You’re the only one who can. I cer tainly can’t. Besides, you said you were going to save me.”
    What had she been thinking, to say such a thing? Julianna’s heart began to pound against her ribs. Hard, so very, very hard...
    “You can do it, I know you can.”
    She wished she had as much faith in her abili ties as he did. “How could you know that? You don’t even know me.”
    “I think you are a woman with a remarkable will. And you have a steady hand, don’t you?”
    Julianna swallowed hard. “Tell me what to do.”
    “In the cupboard, you’ll find a basin. In it you’ll find everything you need. And bring the bottle of brandy that’s there, too.” His voice was beginning to show signs of pain.
    Julianna did as he said. “My word, I could al most believe you were expecting this.” Julianna unfolded a small leather case. In the pockets were a sharp-edged knife, another with a hook on the end, and a pair of tweezers. Another held needle and thread.
    She sent him an incredulous look. “Surgeon’s tools?” she asked in amazement.
    One corner of his mouth crooked up, the tiniest smile. “Let us just say I believe in being pre pared.” In the aftermath, Dane felt a sheer and utter fool. He hadn’t been prepared for her shoot ing him. Perhaps the wound had addled his senses, but he couldn’t be angry with her. What she had done had taken a great deal of mettle.
    Nor was Julianna surprised, once she paused to consider. It was a dangerous life he’d chosen.
    She listened intently to his instructions. After dousing the knife with brandy, she gathered her courage and took it up. Her heart thundered so loud she could scarcely think.
    Dane held up a hand. “Wait!”
    Julianna stopped, the point of the knife poised over his chest. He grabbed the bottle and took several long swallows. He started to set it down, then paused.
    “Perhaps you’d like some, too.”
    That she even considered it spoke to her state! She glanced pointedly at the knife in her hand. “I think not, sir. If I do, I won’t have a steady hand, now will I?”
    Her prim tone nearly set him off. A dull haze had settled over him. Whether it was pain or the effects of the brandy, he didn’t know.
    He leaned back. Quietly he spoke. “I’m ready,” was all he said.
    Uttering a fervent prayer, Julianna went to work.
    Only once did Julianna brave a glance at his face; it was a mistake, for she nearly dropped the knife. He was as pale as winter’s snow,

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