
Free BareBottomGirl by Sarina Wilde

Book: BareBottomGirl by Sarina Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarina Wilde
pills and chase them with the
water. “We like you.” He stared at his fingers, splayed across his knees, then
cleared his throat. “This is a little awkward, but I want everything out in the
    Greer set the water on the nightstand. “If you’re worried
about the liability—”
    Chas blinked. It hadn’t even crossed his mind. “Oh no,
sweetie. Not at all. It’s just…well, last night, I thought I heard something…um…while
Liam and I were in the family room after you went to bed.”
    Even in the low morning light, her cheeks flamed.
    “So you were out there,” he said softly.
    Greer’s eyes widened. “I didn’t mean to. I’m so sorry…” She
trailed off in embarrassment.
    Maybe he should have left this to Liam, but Chas was
determined to plow ahead. “That’s just it. We don’t want you to feel awkward.
Shit. I’m messing this up so badly.”
    “Maybe I can help.” Liam’s deep voice came from behind them.
Greer turned at the same time Chas turned his head to see Liam leaning against
the doorway. “You’ll have to excuse Chas. Since he’s a surgeon, bedside manner
sometimes eludes him.”
    “He does okay,” Greer said, raising her chin.
    Chas’ heart swelled. He took her uninjured hand in his and
stroked his thumb over the smooth skin of the back of her hand. “We wouldn’t
have minded, you know,” he whispered.
    Her eyes widened. “Minded?”
    “If you’d come on in.”
    Liam sat on the opposite side of the bed, his dark eyes
intense. “You thought about it, didn’t you?”
    Her eyes wide, her glance shifted between the two of them.
Chas squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Yes,” she finally admitted. “I was
    Chas covered her hand with his other. “So are we.”
    “What do you mean?” she whispered.
    “I…I mean…Liam and I…” Chas trailed off, uncertain how to
    “We’re attracted to you,” Liam said quietly. “Both of us.
Does it freak you out?”
    She blinked several times, blushed and looked at where Chas
still held her hand.
    “Greer?” Chas prompted. “If it makes you uncomfortable, we
can just forget it.”
    Her head snapped up. “No.” She pulled her hand free, her
gaze darting back and forth between them again. “Aren’t you gay?”
    Liam laughed. “I don’t think gay describes either one of us,
though I guess my ex-wife would like people to think I am. If Wyatt didn’t look
so much like me, that argument might hold some water. It’s true Chas and I are
together, but we like women too.”
    “We like you,” Chas murmured. “We’d like to get to know you
better, if the whole working for us thing doesn’t turn you off.”
    Chas took it as a plus she didn’t immediately jump from the
bed screaming while she packed all her belongings.
    Gray eyes wide, she looked from one to the other. “You want to
have sex with me?”
    Chas turned his gaze to Liam, desperate for some help.
    “Eventually,” Liam said, then chuckled. “Hell, right now
would be fine with me, but I’m willing to wait a few minutes.”
    Chas looked at Liam in horror, but relaxed when Greer chuckled.
“No pressure or anything, right?”
    “You set the pace,” Chas promised.
    “All right.”
    Chas couldn’t believe how those two words, uttered in her
faintly breathless voice, warmed him inside until he thought he must be
glowing. He stole a glance at Liam, deciding his partner’s expression could
only be described as gooey. He leaned forward and touched his lips to Greer’s
    “You have no idea how you tempt me to call in sick.”
    * * * * *
    Greer quickly settled into a routine. And true to their
word, Liam and Chas didn’t put pressure on her, though they touched her
whenever they were near, a brush of the cheek with the back of a hand, a gentle
squeeze as they moved around her in the kitchen. A soft kiss good night, though
she felt the hunger in both men. They were being patient, when it was obvious
their instincts were to be anything

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