Indestructible Desire

Free Indestructible Desire by Danielle Jamie

Book: Indestructible Desire by Danielle Jamie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Jamie
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Savannah#3
taking my hands into hers.
    Shaking my head as the tears continue to fall, I stare at her. I am so confused. I don’t know what happened. “I…I don’t know. I was watching the movie, and then I felt like I was back in my car the night of the accident. It was shaking and being thrown all around as it flipped over and over. The pain…I felt pain everywhere.”
    “No shit you hurt all over! But you did it to yourself just now. The plane hit turbulence, bouncing us around on the bed a little, but then you went fuckin’ crazy! You were tossing and turning all over the bed! I didn’t know what the hell you were doing. I kept trying to talk to you and get you to stop, but you just kept screaming out. It was like a blood curdling scream I’ve never heard before except in movies. You scared the shit out of me. Your eyes were freaky as hell; it was like you were looking straight through me.”
    Kayden’s just sitting behind me, not saying a word as he runs his fingers through my hair. I can’t believe that just happened. Brooklyn looks traumatized. So much for our relaxing getaway. We’re not even to the Bahamas yet and already I’m having a freakin’ panic attack, scaring the shit out of everyone.
    “The turbulence must have triggered a panic attack, baby. Everything is okay now.” Looking down at me, I see the pain in Kayden’s eyes. That hurts more than the physical pain. Kayden kisses me with so much love it takes my breath away, instantly calming me. “Lie down and relax, and if you need me at all just send Brooklyn out to get me, okay?”
    Nodding my head, he kisses me one more time before heading back out with Dixon and Jax. Running my hands over my face, I let out an aggravated growl. “Oh my God, Brooklyn, what the fuck was that?! I feel like I am slowly falling apart!”
    While lying beside me, Brooklyn leans up on her elbows and stares down at me, smiling. I cannot fathom why she is smiling right now, while I am fuckin’ losing it!
    “Listen to me, Savannah. You have got to be one of the strongest people I know. What you’re dealing with right now, it’s expected; you went through some crazy shit! But you are going to get through this. I believe it with every fiber of my being. With Kayden and me by your side, you will get through this . You just have to believe it as much as I do.”
    “I hope you’re right.”
    Chapter Six
    After what feels like forever, the pilot came over the intercom announcing we would be landing shortly. We all buckled quickly and prepared for the plane's landing. I am bursting with excitement to start this vacation and get the hell off of this airplane.
    Kayden owns a small private island in the Bahamas with a small airstrip on one end, which made it easy for us to arrive without being noticed. Grabbing my purse, Brooklyn and I follow Kayden, with Dixon and Jax right behind us. “Welcome to paradise, baby.” Kayden says grinning at me, swinging open the door. Sun instantly pours into the plane, warming my face.
    Reaching out, I take Kayden’s hand and we make our way down the stairs. The weather is perfect, nothing but warm breezes and sunshine. I can smell the ocean, which instantly relaxes me. “I cannot wait to get my bikini on and lay on the beach!” Excitement is bursting out of me as we make our way to the Jeeps waiting for us.
    “Hell yeah girly, we are going to get our tan on! Forget the bikini; this place doesn’t have a soul on it! I’m going all natural !”
    “Well you better make sunscreen your friend because the last thing you want is a sun burned twat!” I say, laughing and pushing her playfully. Just being here a few minutes, I am already feeling like my old self. No one knows where I am. We all agreed no cell phones for the entire weekend. Nothing but relaxation and fun!
    “I for one, am all for skinny dipping.” Dixon says walking past us, but not before slapping

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