ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4)

Free ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) by Amanda Anderson

Book: ACE (Defenders M.C. Book 4) by Amanda Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Anderson
thing too I guess.  What will it be Ace?”
    He chuckled.  “Well I guess bacon and eggs would do me fine.”
    “Comin’ up.  Get your lazy ass out of bed.  We still have things to do around here.”
    “Yes ma’am.”

    Ace sat in church and listened as the brothers talked about the plan to infiltrate the Devils.  They needed to cut out the heart of the snake and Preach believed they could do it from within.
    “I have information that says a Devil brother from California is heading out to join the Virginia chapter.”  Spec laid a picture on the table.  “Name’s Nix Bradley.  From what I hear he’s never been to Virginia and hasn’t met many of the brothers.  Run into some trouble with one of the California brothers over a woman so he’s got a new home.  We could intercept him and put one of ours in his place with very little trouble.” 
    “Who you got in mind Spec?”  Preach perched his glasses on his nose and looked at the photograph.
    “I was thinking Vest there.”
    Mike rolled his eyes.  “Stupid fucking name if you ask me.”
    “No one did and I think it fits.”  Preach said without looking away from the photo.  “What about tats?  VEST there doesn’t have the right ink.”  He emphasized the use of the new nickname.
    “Vest there never got his club ink.  He was recovering for a long damned time and then surgery and I don’t think he ever got around to it.  He could wear devils ink.”  Ink said as he leaned back in his chair.
    “Fuck that.  No fucking way am I putting devils ink on my skin.  No.”  Mike was livid.
    “I can do it in semi perm ink, like a henna.  We can just wash it off when it’s all done and ink the real shit on there.”  Ink said sounding bored.
    “Preach that shit is fucked and you know it.  I don’t want that shit on my back even for a few weeks.”
    Preach shrugged.  “What’s Marty’s role in all of it?”  He turned his attention to Spec.
    Mike sat.  His jaw was hard, but he stayed quiet.  Ace watched him like a hawk, but the man gave nothing away.  Whatever was going on with Mike and Marty wasn’t showing on the man.  For some reason that didn’t make Ace feel anybetter.
    “She should be out of harm’s way.  All we need her to do is talk to the brother, Harper, see if he lets anything slip.  She seems to think he’s just like her, on the outskirts of the club, but he may have some info that could help us gain some ground.”  Spec looked around the table.  “She is risking more than you know.”  His eyes cut to Ace.  “She’s a total innocent.  She’s never done more than kiss a few boys back home and more recently the prospect, Tommy.”  His eyes burned into Mike.  “They get their hands on her they will destroy her and make sure we know how bad.  Having somebody in their ranks will offer a measure of protection if that happens.  Damn it Mike, you look like the bastard.”
    Mike just nodded.  His jaw was hard, but he didn’t say a word.
    Ace had held his tongue, but he couldn’t let this go.  “I can’t take this shit Preach.  You are sayin’ that you are willin’ to put Marty in the hands of the fucking Devils to gain a little ground?  That’s fucked up and we both know it.  That’s my blood.  Why don’t you send one of your own fucking kids?”
    “We’ll keep her safe Ace.  You know we will.  The brother is her connection.  We can’t send anybody else.”  Preach assured.
    “And if she’s taken the only person that we have to count on is him?”  He pointed and accusing finger at Mike.  “Fuck that shit, send anybody but him, fuck that prospect kid would be better than him.  He’d probably volunteer to hurt her himself if he got the chance, he sure hasn’t missed a chance around here.”
    “Fuck you Ace.  I can handle my goddamned job.  I know how to keep personal shit out of

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