How To Walk In High Heels: The Girl's Guide To Everything

Free How To Walk In High Heels: The Girl's Guide To Everything by Camilla Morton

Book: How To Walk In High Heels: The Girl's Guide To Everything by Camilla Morton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Morton
makes perfect and do anticipate a few pokes in the eye in the early days.
    Place lens on tray to be cleaned and repeat process for other lens, then give eyes a chance to recover. Maybe lie down and close eyes, or cry. Depends what you have time for.

    How to shape your eyebrows
    Eyebrows can make your face, as they frame and enlarge your eye. A bit of shaping can change the way you look. They can hide your flaws and enhance your beauty spots.
    The beginning of the eyebrow should be in line with the inner corner of the eye, and should end just beyond the eye. A perfect arch.
    The greater the distance between the two eyebrows the wider your nose will look.
    Tweeze hairs on nose-bridge (if any) immediately, too unsightly.
    Remove hairs that are obviously outside the natural shape.
    When tweezing, remove a few hairs from one eye, then alternate to other brow. Yo-yo back and forth. This eliminates over-tweezing and helps achieve a more balanced look.
    Pluck from under arch up. Never destroy top natural arch of brow, as this will cause chaotic regrowth.
    If a few hairs are missing, draw in each hair using a light feather-touch stroke. Begin at bottom and draw upward following hair direction.
    To keep brow hairs swept up, deposit damp soap on eyebrow brush or spray hairspray on eyebrow brush and brush through eyebrows. If no eyebrow brush is to hand a toothbrush (sans toothpaste) is equally effective.
    The finishing touch: coat eyebrows with clear mascara which holds it all in place.

How to Deal with Unpleasant Situations
    ‘Courage is grace under pressure.’ Ernest Hemingway

    How to have a good bedside manner
    Plump up their pillows, draw their curtains, get them a fresh glass of water and a cup of tea. Ask them if there is anything that you can get them, and indeed what their symptoms are.
    If they seem really unwell you can offer to take their temperature, get them a cold flannel or hot-water bottle. If they seem contagious it might be worth trying to keep the window open, so that the room is ventilated, and the germs can easily escape.
    Have a medical book to hand, listen to your patient and ask them to describe their symptoms. See if you can locate what is wrong in the index. But know the three stages of illness. One – you can cure. Two – a doctor should see it. Three – call an ambulance.
    Make sure you understand how to tell a heart attack from wind. And perhaps you might ask the casualty if they are NHS or PPP.
    Remember: be as nice and considerate and soothing to them as you would expect them to be to you. If you have a good bedside manner then when you are sick they will want to fuss over you.

    How to avoid flu fast and fashionably
    Stay away from people with flu. Avoid sneezing, coughing and sniffing friends.
    Keep your hands clean, and keep them away from your eyes, nose and mouth to avoid spreading any germs you may have accidentally made contact with.
    Drink lots of water and eat plenty of healthy food. However much you crave chocolate cake throw some fruit into the mix. Aim to drink 2 litres of water and eat five pieces of fruit or vegetables a day.
    If you are worried that you are coming down with something increase your vitamin intake.
    Do as your mother always wanted: eat your greens, join a gym and exercise, be it walking, stretching, running, swimming; there must be something that you can do/tolerate.

    How to care for yourself if you have flu
    Keep yourself warm, wrap up and stay in. There is no point going out with a red and runny nose.
    If you are losing your voice try gargling, either with a little bit of salt or some soluble aspirin.
    Hot showers and hot drinks: these will not only comfort you but help you sweat the fever out. If you are feverish drink lots and lots of water, even more water than a supermodel, as you will dehydrate faster than usual.
    Soup, either lovingly home-made or Heinz. Tomato for comfort and chicken for mucus. Euugh. No, really. It has an amino acid in it called cysteine that

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