Bird Song

Free Bird Song by S. L. Naeole Page A

Book: Bird Song by S. L. Naeole Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. L. Naeole
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary
    The hand that held onto my shoulder with a vise-like grip was the only thing that kept me from toppling out onto the walkway beneath me.   The thought in my head had been just as startling as it would have had I heard it through my ears.
    “Don’t do that!” I hissed, more embarrassed than frightened, although my heartbeat argued to the contrary.   “I cannot believe you invited Graham over tonight and then left him alone with Stacy.   Do you think they’ll be alive when you get back?”
    She shrugged her shoulders and winked.   “One of them will.”
    I shook my head and then looked at her more carefully.   “How did you get in here?”
    She pointed behind her and I saw my open door.   “I came in through the door.   What?   Was I supposed to climb through your window, Rapunzel?”
    My jaw lowered in surprise.   “I thought you’d…you know, mist in or something.   Like Robert does.”
    She rolled her eyes at me, the movement oddly graceful.   “Please.   Tonight is the one night in the year when everyone will be looking at the sky; I came on foot.   Thank goodness you’re wearing jeans and not a dress like my idiot brother wanted.   He’s such a guy.”
    I giggled at that little jab at her brother.   As angelic as he might be, as dark as he might be, it was true.   “Well, even if I had wanted to, I couldn’t have worn the dress.   It’s completely ruined.”
    Lark looked at me quizzically and nodded her head.   Her eyes flicked over to the closet, where the dress was hanging up, and sighed in disappointment.   It was a beautiful dress.   Robert didn’t tell you, but I helped him pick it out.   He wasn’t sure about the color, or the cut, but he knew you’d look good in green.   Like I said, he’s such a guy.   He’s got impeccable taste in jewelry, but clothes?   Uh-uh.   He should stick to dressing himself.   That’s his forte.
    I smiled at that, relieved that he hadn’t chosen the items himself, especially the corset that had sent up warning flags of disapproval in Janice.
    Yeah, I told him that would be a mistake.   He said I needed to get everything you’d need for a dress like that, and it didn’t matter what, as long as it made you feel beautiful.
    The flush that spread across my face, accompanied by the wistful smile that grew on my lips spoke more than mere words could have that I felt beautiful because of Robert, and not because of some expensive piece of clothing, or jewelry.   He saw me in a way that no one else ever had.   To be thought of as beautiful—by someone who was far more beautiful than was humanly possible—was an incredible and heady feeling.   To know that it wasn’t something he was saying because he wanted something from me made it my own little miracle.
    Well, let’s go, shall we?   I can only leave Graham and Stacy alone for so long before I fear they’ll destroy my house.
    I walked over to the window and waited for her to follow me.   Didn’t you hear me?   Everyone and their grandmother will be looking up at the sky tonight.   Even with mist surrounding us, we’d still be highly conspicuous.   We’re going on foot tonight.
    She grabbed my hand and yanked me onto her back.   Hold on very tightly.   I will be moving very quickly.   Keep your eyes closed, and don’t make a sound.
    I nodded my head and wrapped my legs around her waist.   She held my arms around her neck and before I had a chance to blink, we were outside of my house.
    I said don’t make a sound.   The thought came like a hiss in my head, and I cringed at the slight and unexpected sting that the sound caused in my mind.   It was a familiar pain, but that did little to comfort me when I couldn’t even rub my head to make the pain go away.
    I’m sorry.   I just don’t like this method of traveling.   It’s far too primitive, and I’m not very good at it.   I’ll try not to get you scratched by anything, but please, no more

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