Ruining Me

Free Ruining Me by Nicole Reed

Book: Ruining Me by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
Tags: General Fiction
give her just a little more time.  She is coming around,” my mother told him.
    Not wanting to hear anymore I walk into the kitchen.  They stop talking immediately and turn toward me.
    “You okay Jay?”  My Mom asked.
    “I’m fine guys.  What are we having for dinner?”
    My mother looks a t my father and h e turn s toward me to answer, “Sorry sweetie, we both have flights out to pick up clients.  Some last minute charters.”  He looks at my Mom and then back at me.  “Jay, we can cancel them if you need us here.”  I don’t ever remember my Dad offering to cancel business for me. 
    Walking over to him he opens his arms and I step into them.  Hugging him hard I sa y , “Thanks Dad, but I’m good.  Everything is fine.  I just had a moment this morning.  You know teen angst and all that.”  I laugh and it sounded fake even to me, but I could tell they both bought it.
    My mother came over and hugged me toward her.  “You know we are only a phone call away.”
    “I know Mom.  I’m just going to order a pizza and call it a night. Love you guys.”
    I slip out of the kitchen before they could talk any more to me. An ho ur later , they c o me into my room to tell me good bye and kiss me before they le ave .  I still have no t heard from Kane.  I guess that was that.  Grabbing a book that I starte d last week , I read until I f a l l asleep.
    My alarm clock w a ke s me early the next morning.  Yawning, I realize that I’m not going to be able to get out of school today.  Dressing in tan shorts and a gold blousy shirt I slide on a pair of new golden sandals and check myself out in the mirror.  Yesterday’s tanning session was much needed.  My skin glowed .  I left my hair down and hea d down stairs. 
    I decided to forgo the coffee this morning since I did n’t set the timer.  Grabbing my keys and book bag , I head out to school.  I walk out the front door hoping to see Kane waiting for me, but I should have known that h e is done with the whole situation.  I can’t blame him when I e ven get tired of my drama. 
    Cal was waiting for me next to my parking space when I pull in.  He is going to want answers and I don’t have any for him. 
    “Whatever you’re going to say, can you please just save it?  Please?”  I plead with him.  Cal sh akes his head.
    “We have to talk about our boy eventually Jay .  You know that right?”  I nod at him.  He turns around and walk s toward the school building.   Taking a deep breath I follow him to homeroom.  Cal s its on one side of the room where there were no more seats so I sat on the other.
    I caught Cal looking at me, but then h e looked down at his desk .  He didn’ t look at me again during class, but he was the only one.  Everyone else kept glancing and whispering all through the morning.  I could have asked Cal what they were saying, but I really didn’t care to know.  I could only pray that JT kept his opinions to himself. 
    Hiding out in my car during lunch , I d on’t see JT .  During my Art class , I was working on my painting when a shadow fell over my portrait.  I look up to see Reed standing there. 
    “You okay, Jay? ”
    I immediately glance to where Molly was sitting an d she was staring back at us.  Looking up to Reed I say , “I’ m fine Reed.”  My answer came out a little short and he winced.  For the first time in years I didn’t want to be this way toward him.  He started to turn away and I grabbed his hand and he looked back at me.  “Thanks for asking,” I replied and smile at him.  I let his hand go and he turn s to walk away. 
    My last period was the one I worried about the most because of JT.  However once I arrive d in the gym, I heard that he and most of the other football players were out on the football field .  They were practicing for the first game which was next Friday .  A t least I wouldn’t have to

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