Enticing Their Mate
was satisfied her patient was resting comfortably, she went in search of Russ to tell him she was leaving. Her checking in with him was Statler’s requirement. However, now that this new man was in charge, perhaps she was supposed to tell him. While both men frightened her, the large man at least didn’t look at her like she was little Red Riding Hood—someone to eat.
    Sarah spotted Riley and waved. As he came toward her, she swore his eyes changed color. “I wanted to tell someone that I’ve finished my shift,” she said. “I’m supposed to let Russ know, but with that other man in charge now, I’m not sure of the proper protocol.”
    “Connolly had to leave, so you’ll have to tell Russ.”
    “Damn.” Instead of taking off in search of the man, she just stood there, though what she expected Riley to say or do, she wasn’t sure.
    He tapped her nose. “I’ll see you later.” With that, he spun around and headed to the other side of the warehouse.
    Did that mean he planned on stopping over at her place when he was finished? More than her blood heated at that thought. Riley didn’t know where she lived, but he could find out if he asked Amy. Needing to tell Russ she was heading home, she checked the warehouse but didn’t find him, which meant he must be outside. As soon as the front door clicked behind her, she spotted him by her car. What the hell?
    Sarah straightened her shoulders and approached. “Russ. I was looking for you to let you know I’m leaving.”
    “What were you and Amy talking about when Riley, Clay, and Dirk showed up?” His fists clenched and his brows pinched. Not a good sign.
    That she was interested in branching out. “Nothing.”
    He moved closer. “I saw the way Amy’s eyes lit up. Did she say she wanted to fuck one of them?”
    Sarah couldn’t tell if he was jealous or just possessive. “No.” She said there was always room for one more.
    “What about you?”
    She didn’t know what he was asking, and while she’d been in a lot of uncomfortable situations before, she was too tired to deal with his bullshit. “Can we continue this discussion tomorrow? I really need some sleep.”
    “My shift is ending, too.” He stepped in front of her car door, blocking her entry.
    A hundred responses rushed to mind, but most would result in her being in a worse position if she said them. She waved her key, indicating he should move. “Russ, excuse me.”
    “Come on. I saw you go into that storage room with Riley, and with all that moaning and groaning, you two were getting it on. Don’t deny it.”
    Her stomach contracted and nearly took her breath. Stay calm . “He was helping me reach some medicine.”
    “You’re not a good liar. Admit it, you were fucking him.”
    Perhaps if she told him the truth, he’d leave. “Yes. So? He worked at the clinic and we hooked up there.”
    “Really?” He dragged a hand down her arm and she wanted to vomit.
    So as not to piss him off too much, she stepped out of his reach instead of slapping his hand away. “Amy really likes you,” Sarah said. “Why don’t you see if she wants to have a go in the closet with you.”
    His eyes changed color. “I want you.”
    Before the words had a chance to sink in, Russ grabbed her, swung her around, and pushed her up against her car. When he pressed his lips to hers, the violation made her want to scream. Unable to even breathe, instinct kicked in and she lifted her knee, aiming for his balls, but he twisted in time to prevent contact. As he tried to work his tongue between her lips, he pressed his whole body against hers.
    She managed to turn her head and yell, “No. Stop.” The slap came so hard and fast, that her vision blurred.
    “You’re easy, and I’m not going to let that newcomer take what I want.” In one tug, he tore open her blouse. She saw red.
    Sarah stomped on the instep of his foot and reached up to claw at his eyes. With animal quickness, he grabbed her wrist, but with her free

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