Enticing Their Mate
outcome. While Jay was highly trained, the giant might be, too. As he slid from his car, the front door opened, and the giant’s shoulders almost touched both sides of the frame.
    Well, damn.
    *     *     *
    Sarah was quite concerned about Belinda’s health. Amy needed to be more careful when tying her down. Fortunately, between the antiseptic cream and the bandages, Sarah was able to care for the injured woman’s wrists. The suddenness of her stomach issues had Sarah concerned. It was possible Belinda was faking her illness, believing that if her condition appeared serious enough, she’d be taken to a hospital. Sarah didn’t want to tell her that the only way she was going to get out of here was if the Pack saved her.
    Sarah carefully reattached the restraint. “I’ll have Amy check on you in a little while to see if this medicine has helped settle your stomach.”
    “Thank you.” Belinda wrapped her arms around her waist and closed her eyes.
    Poor girl. Seeing these women suffer made Sarah more determined than ever to help free them. Needing to check on Nancy in the other room, Sarah left and immediately spotted Amy coming down the hallway.
    “How’s Belinda doing?” Amy asked, but her tone didn’t hold a lot of worry.
    “Hard to tell. I told her you would check on her in a few hours.”
    “I will.” Amy placed a palm on the wall, almost as if she was blocking Sarah’s path. “So, what took you so long in the storage room?” One brow rose.
    Sarah’s pulse soared. Stay calm . “I had trouble locating the Pepto.”
    Amy grinned and lowered her arm. “I heard that hot guard followed you in there.”
    Damn it. Here she thought Clay and Dirk were keeping watch. Then again, someone like Russ might have watched her head down the hallway and then seen Riley trail after her a minute later.
    Amy had an intense sex drive and Sarah decided to play up to it. “You caught me.” She glanced around as if what she was about to say was super secret. “We did the nasty,” she whispered.
    Amy grinned and clapped. “He’s hot, right?”
    A sense of protectiveness shot straight through her. “Yes, but remember, you have Russ.” She didn’t need Amy putting the moves on her man.
    Her man? Is that what he is?
    Even though Riley was on the right side of the law, Sarah wasn’t in the market for anyone, but those few minutes in the closet would forever be imprinted in her brain—and in her body. Words like sensational, overwhelming, and hot to describe what happened in there would be like saying the Arctic was a bit chilly.
    “Russ has been too distracted of late. I think he’s losing his interest in me.”
    As much as Sarah would have liked to know what would have drawn Russ away, she didn’t want to appear too curious. “A lot’s happening around here. I bet he’ll come around soon.”
    “Let’s hope.”
    Not wanting to continue the conversation about sex, she checked her watch. “Before I clock out, I want look in on the girls.”
    “You going to see Riley tonight?”
    He had mentioned something about seeing her later, but she didn’t want Amy keeping tabs on her. “I’m not sure.”
    “Sleep well. I won’t be rolling in until six tomorrow morning. Ugh.”
    That was tough. Amy had been there since two. “I heard it won’t be much longer until Statler’s buyer shows up.” Perhaps Russ had updated Amy on what was happening.
    Amy shrugged. “Yeah. As hard as it is to drug these girls, it’s probably for the best.”
    Sarah had no comeback for that comment, so she smiled and stepped on by, wanting to make sure Nancy didn’t need anything before she left. Of late, Amy had been acting a bit strange and Sarah wondered if Russ wasn’t trying to have her do things that would further harm the women. However, if any of the women weren’t in excellent shape when the buyer came, heads would roll—both hers and Russ’s.
    Sarah spent the final few minutes of her shift with Nancy, and when she

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