A Touch of Silk

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Book: A Touch of Silk by Lori Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Wilde
Tags: Romance, Category, Bachelors of Bear Creek
the rug. A twinge of guilt bit him for having let her believe the moose was dangerous.
    “Well,” Kay demanded, sinking her hands on her hips and glaring about her, “aren’t you guys going to do something about it?”
    The room broke into raucous laughter.
    Kay blushed and pivoted on her heel to face Quinn. “What’s so funny?”
    “Quinn got you thinkin’ that moose is a killer?” cackled an old fellow seated at a table near the door, a chessboard on the table in front of him.
    “Don’t let old Gus give you a hard time,” soothed a handsome man that Kay recognized from the publicity photo Quinn had shown her in New York. He had sandy hair and a boyish grin that promised lots of fun. “That’s just Kong, our resident moose. Caleb bottle-fed him from the time he was a calf. His Momma got hit by an RV during tourist season five years ago. Kong’s tamer than a poodle.”
    “Oh.” She felt like fifty different kinds of fool. Why had Quinn let her believe the moose was dangerous? She glared at him, and he had the good sense to look ashamed of himself.
    “I get it, ha, ha, ha. Play a trick on the city girl.”
    “I’m sorry.” Quinn jammed his hands in his pockets.
    “It’s okay. I can take a joke.”
    “I’m Jake, by the way. You must be Kay.” Quinn’s buddy held out his hand. “We’ve heard a lot about you. Welcome to Bear Creek.”
    “Thank you, Jake.” She shook his hand and smiled graciously, determined to regain her dignity.
    “Would you like me to show you to your room?” Jake asked.
    “That would be lovely.”
    “This way.”
    Jake led her up the wide cedar staircase to a room decorated with rustic charm. Quinn started to trail after them, but Kay turned and planted a palm on his chest. “Excuse me, big man, but I don’t recall anyone inviting you up to my room.”

    “SHE SURE PUT YOU in your place,” Jake teased Quinn when he returned to the B&B three hours after Kay had kicked him out. Lulu lay on the rug at his feet, eyeing Quinn with the same amusement that was evident in her owner’s face.
    “Oh, shut up.”
    “Quinn’s got a girlfriend.”
    “Grow up,” Quinn growled, and scowled.
    He had gone home to give her time to cool off and to prepare a peace offering, and he’d come back to restlessly pace the corridor of the B&B, trying to gather his courage to knock on Kay’s door. Since when could one feisty little woman make his knees quake?
    He pushed his fingers through his hair and let out a long breath, which did nothing to ease the nervousness and self-reproach squeezing his gut. If he wasn’t careful he was going to mess things up royally with Kay.
    He had fibbed to her, inadvertently embarrassed her, and that had never been his intent. He had to apologize, get back into her good graces.
    Resolutely he knocked on her door.
    “Should I go get Meggie?” Jake asked. “Just in case Kay decides to slam-dunk you down the staircase and you need the services of a trained RN?”
    “Beat it.” Quinn glowered at his friend.
    Chuckling to himself, Jake sauntered off, Lulu on his heels.
    And Kay answered the door. “Oh. Are you still here?”
    “Can we talk?”
    She crossed her arms over her chest. “So talk.”
    “In private.” He waved a hand. “Eavesdroppers are rampant around here.”
    She shook her head and studied him for a long moment. Should she stay mad? He gave her a sad expression. She opened her door wider. “All right.”
    Quinn scooted over the threshold.
    Kay shut the door behind him, then turned to face him. “Did you have fun embarrassing me in front of all your friends?”
    “It wasn’t like that.”
    “Wasn’t like what? I was terrified of that moose!” She punched him lightly on the shoulder. He arched his eyebrows in surprise. She wasn’t given to admitting feelings of weakness, and the fact that she had done so amazed her. But darn it, she had been scared.
    “You told me you’d survived two muggings and it was no big deal. Why would a

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