Band of Demons (The Sanheim Chronicles, Book Two)

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Book: Band of Demons (The Sanheim Chronicles, Book Two) by Rob Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Blackwell
In most history books, he appeared only as a minor, mediocre poet of the 19 th century. But in some circles, Crowley had quite a following—not for his poetry, but his claims of supernatural powers around Halloween. His death was now an urban legend. He had invited over 50 men and women to a castle in Scotland on Halloween night in 1873, only for them all to disappear. No trace of him or his followers, save one, was ever found.
    Since he and Kate had became the Prince of Sanheim, Quinn had made an exhaustive study of Crowley’s life and works. He knew every book and journal and had pored over all of them—most rather futilely—searching for more information. What he now held in his hands, however, was totally new.
    She lied to me , Kate thought. She said she didn’t know anything about the Prince of Sanheim.
    She could have bought this book after our article ran a few months ago , Quinn said.
    Even he didn’t believe that. Quinn had searched high and low for anything on Crowley, so how would Zora have happened to find a rare volume?
    Open it , Kate said.
    Quinn obediently flipped open the book. It wasn’t typed—it was handwritten. It also looked old and faded.
    This is amazing, Quinn said. Is this Crowley’s handwriting? This must be incredibly valuable.
    How does she have it?
    Quinn considered for a moment. Something tugged at his memory about the way the book was on the shelf, but he couldn’t think of what was bothering him.
    Is it possible she knew about Crowley but not the Prince of Sanheim ? Quinn asked.
    No , Kate said emphatically. Why else would she have this book? Not for the poetry .
    Quinn flipped through the pages carefully. The script was barely legible. But unlike every other volume they had, this wasn’t poetry. Instead, it seemed to be a journal of some sort—written by Crowley himself.
    Why wouldn’t she give this to us? Kate thought. Why would she hide this? She could have helped us.
    Quinn heard a noise outside and wondered if Stu was coming back. Acting quickly, he placed the book behind his reporter’s notebook and hoped no one would notice it.
    I should get out of here, he said.
    He was almost out the door when he heard a noise behind him. He turned and looked around the room, took in the bookshelf, the row of kewpie dolls and the bloodstains on the floor. Nothing had changed.
    That’s when he noticed the envelope on the ground.
    Where did that come from?
    He looked up and saw that it must have fallen from near the kewpie dolls. A shiver ran up his spine. He looked around the room again. 
    Anyone else creeped out by this?
    Pick up the envelope, Kate said.
    Not so long ago, Quinn would have dismissed the very idea of ghosts, but now…
    He picked up the envelope. On the front of it was written, in Zora’s flowing script, a name: Trina.
    He opened the letter with a sense of foreboding and deep dread. Zora had known Kate—whose childhood nickname was Trina—would find the letter. And he would bet anything that Zora also knew she wouldn’t be around when Kate discovered it.
    She knew she was going to die , Quinn thought.
    Inside the envelope was a small note. It wasn’t long and looked like it had been written in a hurry.  He hoped it would have some clues as to how she was mixed up in all this, what she knew about the Prince of Sanheim.
    Instead, it was just two sentences.
    “They are coming for you. You are the last.”

Chapter 6
    Kate hurried up the cemetery path. She usually stopped by her mother’s grave when she was nearby, but there was no time now.
    I’m sorry, Mom , she thought. We’re being hunted. Again .
    The thought tasted like ashes in her mouth. When they became the Prince of Sanheim, she had thought her days of being afraid were over. After all, they were what lurked in the dark now. What could possibly harm them?
    But now that confidence had vanished and she felt like she had last year. Then, at least, she knew her enemy: Lord Halloween, the man who

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