Her satiny hot huni covered his fingers and he couldn't help himself when he brought his hand to his mouth to suck away her juices.

Her smell and taste were intoxicating! When his finger was clean he plunged it into her pussy yet again, collecting more of her huni to shovel into his mouth like a starved man! Oceans writhed in need and he remembered that he could drink from her well directly...

He lowered himself quickly down her body, over her breasts, and her taut belly until he was between her quivering thighs. Pushing her dress out of his way, Marshall buried his face into her pussy. His tongue dug roughly between her crevice and he licked long from the opening of her pussy to her clit.

Oceans keened loudly, body bucking against him. She gripped his head with both hands as she thrust upward. The pleasure that gathered between her thighs seemed too big to be contained! She had always thought her climaxes were orgasms until this huge 'thing' began to build momentum in her body and she thought she'd scream. She had never before screamed during sex...but here they were coming, pealing from her mouth over and over as her body convulsed beneath him. Two of his fingers gently pushed into her opening, working her rapidly and her pussy closed over them tightly. Marshall moaned again. Suddenly liquid splashed his face and as impossible as it seemed to him, he was cumming again!

"Oh my god..." She gasped once her limbs stopped trembling and her breathing was calm. Marshall was now snuggled against her body, his face buried in her neck where he was kissing her repeatedly. He was more content then he'd been since becoming stranded. Oceans reached down and touched the wetness between her legs. "What..?" She rubbed her fingers together at the thin, clear liquid.

"Was that your first time squirting?" He kept kissing her softly.

"What in the world...?"

"Its okay, baby. It happens when a woman has a very intense orgasm. It's the equivalent of a male ejaculation."

Her eyes grew large. "You mean that's real? I thought that was just bad porn..." Marshall chuckled.

"Well some of it is." He then licked her fingers clean.

She gave him an appreciative look. "I love you, Marshalls. Truly."
    "Me too. I love you, Oceans Delano."

~Month 4~

The next few days were heaven for the both of them. They tried to sleep together in the hammock but the combined weight broke Ocean's and the two went crashing to the floor where they didn't bother to get up for another four hours. Though their lovemaking did not include intercourse, it didn't matter. Their mutual orgasms brought more pleasure then they'd ever experienced with anyone else.

One day Marshall was working on a plan to create a solid bed for them to sleep in together.

"Marshall, we've been here going on four months." He did not like conversations that began with how long they'd been on the Island. He knew to the day exactly how long they'd been here, but to him, it was best to take things one day at a time. "We know nothing about the other parts of this Island. For all we know...there actually may be a resort on the other side."

He smiled grimly. "Anything is possible." But he doubted that something as beautiful as this beach would have been left untouched had it actually been inhabited.

"I think we should explore."

He stared at her speechless. "Oceans...this island is dangerous. There are snakes, wild boars, not to mention the countless other deadly things that you haven't told me about. Baby, we have a camp here-"

She chewed her lip. "I know. But the dream won't leave me." He stood up and pulled her into his arms. "Maybe that dream is a way for your mind to cope with what's happening to us."

Oceans placed her head on his chest and sighed. "Why haven't your people found us yet?!" She stared at him searching for an answer.

"My parents wouldn't think to search for me. If someone phoned them to say that I'd been lost in a plane crash my parents would just accept it. They're good

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