Journey of Souls

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Book: Journey of Souls by Michael Newton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Newton
discuss this concept further in later chapters, after the reader learns more about the existence of souls in the spirit world.

    AFTER those entities who meet us during our homecoming have dispersed, we are ready to be taken to a space of healing. This will be followed by another stop involving the soul’s reorientation to a spiritual environment. In this place we are often examined by our guide.
    I tend to call the cosmology of all spiritual locations as places, or spaces, simply for convenient identification because we are dealing with a non-physical universe. The similarity of descriptions among clients of what they do as souls at the next two combined stops is remarkable, although they do have different names for them. I hear such terms as: chambers, travel berths, and interspace stop over zones, but the most common is “the place of healing.”
    I think of the healing station as a field hospital, or MASH unit, for damaged souls coming off Earth’s battlefields. I have selected a rather advanced male subject who has been through this revitalization process many times to describe the nature of this next stop.
    Case 11
    Dr. N: After you leave the friends who greeted you following your death, where does your soul go next in the spirit world?
    S: I am alone for a while … moving through vast distances …
    Dr. N: Then what happens to you?
    S: I am being guided by a force I can’t see, into a more enclosed space-an opening into a place of pure energy.
    Dr. N: What is this area like?
    S: For me … it is the vessel of healing.
    Dr. N: Give me as much detail as possible about what you experience here.
    S: I’m propelled in and I see a bright warm beam. It reaches out to me as a stream of liquid energy. There is a … vapor-like … steam swirling around me at first … then gently touching my soul as if it were alive. Then it is absorbed into me as fire and I am bathed and cleansed from my hurts.
    Dr. N: Is someone bathing you, or is this light beam enveloping you from out of nowhere?
    S: I am alone, but it is directed. My essence is being bathed … restoring me after my exposure to Earth.
    Dr. N: I have heard this place is similar to taking a refreshing shower after a hard day’s work.
    S: (laughs) After a lifetime of work. It’s better and you don’t get wet, either.
    Dr. N: You also don’t have a physical body anymore, so how can this energy shower heal a soul?
    S: By reaching into … my being. I’m so tired from my last life and with the body I had.
    Dr. N: Are you saying the ravages of the physical body and the human mind leaves an emotional mark on the soul after death?
    S: God, yes’. My very expression-who I am as a being-was affected by the brain and body I occupied.
    Dr. N: Even though you are now separated from that body forever?
    S: Each body leaves … an imprint … on you, at least for a while. There are some bodies I have had that I can never get away from altogether. Even though you are free of them you keep some of the outstanding memories of your bodies in certain lives.
    Dr. N: Okay, now I want you to finish with your shower of healing and tell me what you feel.
    S: I am suspended in the light … it permeates through my soul … washing out most of the negative viruses. It allows me to let go of the bonds of my last life … bringing about my transformation so I can become whole again.
    Dr. N: Does the shower have the same effect upon everyone?
    S: (pause) When I was younger and less experienced, I came here more damaged-the energy here seemed less effective because I didn’t know how to use it to completely purge the negativity. I carried old wounds with me longer despite the healing energy.
    Dr. N: I think I understand. So, what do you do now?
    S: When I am restored, I leave here and go to a quiet place to talk to my guide.
    This place I have come to call the shower of healing is only a prelude for the rehabilitation of returning souls. The orientation stage which immediately

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