My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3)

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Book: My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) by Megan Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Michaels
Tags: BDSM Erotic Romance
hem of her shirt and she couldn’t keep consistent eye contact with him.
    “I... well, I thought the check had been cashed and when I saw what I thought was extra money, I purchased a dress for the wedding we have coming up for your friend Craig. I really thought it’d been cashed.”
    “You were careless. If you’d taken the time to plan the purchase, assuring what the balance in the account was, this wouldn’t have happened. You were anxious to meet your needs, not thinking of the household. It won’t happen again.” He pulled the tail of his belt through the buckle, sliding the leather through the loops, the leather slapping against the fabric.
    He pointed to the couch with the doubled belt in his hand. “Turn around, hands on the seat.”
    They’d been married for fifteen years, she knew when to be quiet and submit to a punishment. He ran his hand over the soft, pale skin of her bottom. Milky white and unmarred—but not for long. He tapped his wide belt across her, watching the goose flesh rise on her gorgeous ass. She’d given birth to two kids, her hips widening with each one, and he swore he loved every change more.
    “I’m going to blister your ass with this belt until I feel you’ve learned your lesson. You know the rules during a punishment. If you break any of them, we’ll continue with the paddle upstairs. Understood?”
    “Yes, Sir.” She shuffled her feet a bit in anticipation.
    He swung his arm out, snapping the hard leather on her ass. She started to stand, catching herself, putting her hands back.
    “Good girl.” He swung the strap, overlapping each stripe, her ass wobbling with each lash. Her ass, already pink, quickly turned into a deeper shade of pink with each strike. Rising up on her toes, she stomped the heels of her feet on the floor, desperately trying to ease the pain.
    “Oh, Sir! I’m so sorry!”
    “I’m sure you are — now! Do you think you will remember to check the account before you make a purchase?” The underside of her bottom were the next target, he placed five licks of the belt there. She screeched, stiffening and leaning so far forward, she was almost lying down. He pulled on her hip roughly, yanking her into the bent over position again.
    “Stick your bottom out. You know better than that, you’re receiving three from the paddle for that bit of disobedience. Bottom out!”
    She sobbed pitifully — he’d finish soon. She dipped her back, that luscious ass spreading. He slapped the crest of her backside several times, quickly finishing with the hard ending volley. She’d dropped her forehead to the seat of the couch, sobbing quietly.
    He thread the belt back into his pants, watching her compose herself. She took deep breaths, exhaling slowly. She’d calmed down enough that they could progress to the next step.
    “Take your pants and panties off completely, and then walk upstairs to our room.” She hated this part. Hated walking up the stairs partially naked, with her red, freshly spanked ass right in front of his face, knowing he’d be watching her jiggle and sway with each step. And this was why he’d made it a common part of their punishment sessions.
    The seam of her ass still milky white, a stark contrast to the bright red of her inflamed bottom, as she lifted legs one-by-one to untangle her pants wadded at her ankles. She stood, turning slowly looking adorably embarrassed, her cheeks red with her blush. He pointed toward the kitchen, for her to walk in front of him.
    “Move slowly.” She halted, forcing herself to move at a more measured pace, having been punished for disobedience in that regard before. Jason made sure to stay at least two paces behind her on the stairs to have a perfect view of her pear-shaped ass sashaying up each step. Each wobble and jiggle had his cock turning to steel, throbbing, seeking release. He’d never tire of fucking that woman, squeezing and plumping each cheek while pounding into her.
    She entered their room,

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