My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3)

Free My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) by Megan Michaels

Book: My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) by Megan Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Michaels
Tags: BDSM Erotic Romance
area, she felt herself boiling over, wondering how Derek had found out about Maxim.
    “Sammi, did you talk to Derek Miller about Maxim?” You just couldn’t trust administrative assistants, and even though she’d employed Sammi for almost five years, who knew who she talked to outside of work.
    Sammi’s eyes widened. “No, Caroline. Why would I talk to Derek Miller — ever? I don’t talk to him unless he’s here, or I’m forced to.”
    She appeared to be telling the truth, but she’d reserve judgment. “He just asked me how Maxim Volkov was doing, and he even knew how much I was paying him as a fitness chef.”
    Sammi frowned. “How would he obtain that information? We’ve only known for a week. Did you tell the board of directors? Maybe one of them said something?”
    “Of course, I told them. I wanted to make sure they knew and it was understood that his pay would be completely out of my funds, and not drawn from Turner Marketing. Why would they think of telling him? That doesn’t make sense, Sammi.”
    Silly girl.
    Caroline walked back to her office to finish the last of her work before going home.
    Sitting down at her desk, she saw her note to herself about calling Avery. She picked up her cell phone, pressing the green button and putting her on speakerphone. She slipped her heels off while the phone rang, leaning back and putting her feet up on the desk.
    The woman’s delicate voice answered the phone in her warm southern accent. “Avery Harrison.”
    “Hi, Avery. It’s Caroline.”
    “Oh, my god. How the hell are you? It’s been forever since we’ve talked.” Avery was as bubbly as ever. She’d always been the life of the party, and ready for whatever trouble came her way — if she didn’t invent the trouble herself first.
    “I know,” Caroline said. “That’s why I’m calling. I wanna see you. Do you think you can get away for a weekend here in New York? I can have a plane sent for you whenever you’re able to come up.”
    She heard Avery whispering, and then she said, “Hold on, Caroline. Preston’s right here. Let me ask him.”
    It felt odd to hear her deferring to a man, even though he was Avery’s husband. Caroline hadn’t met him yet. That looked to change later in the year though, as they had talked about getting together for a Christmas ski trip to Colorado. Avery had said that in addition to her and her husband Preston, her new sister-in-law, Inga, and Preston’s brother, Garrett, would probably be coming along too. Despite how great such a trip might be, Caroline wasn’t sure she wanted to go with two married couples; being the fifth wheel was never fun. She’d had enough with being lonely. Why go to Colorado and sit in a romantic cabin at Christmas if she had nobody to share the experience with? Just the thought of it made her stomach roil.
    “Caroline? Preston has agreed. But… he has a caveat. He says he’ll allow it only if you agree to meet us in Colorado for the ski trip for Christmas. He said he won’t agree otherwise. Please say you’ll go on vacation.”
    She couldn’t say no to Avery. Her excitement had always been contagious, and this time was no different. Caroline always did love skiing. Maybe she’d meet someone while she was there?
    “Okay. Tell Preston I’ll go, but make sure you let him know that I don’t usually cave to manipulation. Warn him that I won’t back down the next time he tries it.” Caroline smirked, loving sparring with the friendly couple. “I’ll wait while you tell him.”
    Avery’s muffled voice came through the speaker, but Caroline couldn’t make out the words. Then she was back on, laughing. “Preston said if you don’t give him a reason to corner you, there shouldn’t be any problem in the future. He said he takes pride in manipulating situations and making people bend to his will. I can’t wait for you two to meet. We’ll have such a blast! Mark it on your phone: December 22 to January 2. We’ll get to have

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