Surviving Elite High

Free Surviving Elite High by John H Ames

Book: Surviving Elite High by John H Ames Read Free Book Online
Authors: John H Ames
us, his laughter increased.
    “You two are the two people that I wanted in the first place! And here you are, standing in front of me and at my mercy!”
    “Matthew, please don't do this. He'll die.”
    “Matthew please! Matthew please! Now you respect me? Now that I've got two guns pointing to your motherfucking head?! Until now!? Where's the almighty Nick Wild Hawk now? Where?!”
    “Matthew, I'm sorry that I never respected you, but I couldn't let you bully innocent people.”
    “Because of you two, I'm a murderer!”
    “No,” I argued weakly.
    “What did you say, you little fuck!?” Matthew shouted at me.
    “He's dying. Don't –”
    “Shut the fuck up and let the homo talk!” he told Nick. “What did you say, bitch?”
    “You're not a murderer because of us. You chose to come here and open fire. You chose to bully anyone that was weaker than you, but you know what? You're the weak and pathetic one that hides behind the barrel of two guns.”
    Mathew stood still, looking at us with hatred.
    “Before I kill you, I'll fucking tear your queer ass apart! I'm going to finish what I started that day in the hallway and that night. Nick saved you twice, but he won't save you this time. I'm going to fuck you hard!”
    Nick was stunned. He could not believe what Matthew intended to do those times or at that moment. As he walked closer to us, Nick took a few steps back.
    “Move again and I'll shoot you motherfucker. Trust me, I will.”
    Nick glanced at me. I smiled weakly and nodded.
    “Put him on the ground,” Matthew ordered him. “Now!”
    Nick slowly placed me on the floor.
    “Now, step to this side!” Matthew told Nick as he pointed the spot with one of the guns. Matthew turned to me as he pointed the other gun to my head. “If you fight me off, I'll shoot Nick. Understand?”
    I nodded. I would die for Nick and I was willing to go through hell for him. Matthew knelt beside me and proceeded to unbutton his pants.
    “Oh my God, Matthew, please don't do this,” Nick begged him.
    “Shut the fuck up and enjoy the show!” Matthew answered as he laughed like a maniac.
    As Matthew grabbed the waistband of his boxers, he stopped. A knocking sound caught his attention. It was coming from inside a classroom. Matthew stood up and glanced down the hall.
    “Who's there?!”
    The knocking continued as he made his way towards the room. Abruptly, he turned to Nick.
    “Don't think about moving!”
    Nick nodded. Matthew continued making his way down the hall. Someone was now banging on the door with all their strength. Matthew pointed at the door with his shaky hands. All of a sudden, he kicked it open. He peeped inside and carefully walked into the room. Without warning, Mr. Wright flung his body towards him. He tried to wrestle the guns away from Matthew's hands.
    “RUN!” Mr. Wright ordered Nick.
    Nick stood up and lifted me up into his arms. While Nick jogged towards the exit, I heard Matthew and Mr. Wright struggling to get possession of the guns. When Nick reached the emergency exit, he pushed the door with his body. It was at that moment that I heard the last five shots.
    The sun was shining brightly outside. It was then that I realized how good and wonderful the sun was. I heard a policeman shouting at Nick as he made his way towards a large crowd. I saw a few ambulances, fire trucks, police cars, several onlookers, policemen, and many reporters.
    “Put him down and put your hands above your head!”
    “Please! He needs help!” Nick shouted as he placed me down.
    He quickly lifted his hands above his head. Several footsteps made their way towards me. Three men in white appeared out of nowhere. One of them placed something on top of my wound while the other two lifted me from the ground. I closed my eyes. Finally, I could rest in peace.
    * * *
    I don't remember a lot after I closed my eyes. I just remember seeing a bright light and nothing else. I woke up Wednesday with blurred vision and a huge

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