Flight from Hell

Free Flight from Hell by Yasmine Galenorn

Book: Flight from Hell by Yasmine Galenorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yasmine Galenorn
the one behind the recent spate of killings, then we really are in trouble. A rogue vampire is bad enough, but one with the powers of a sorcerer? Deadly. And one out for revenge? Even worse.”
    â€œAgreed.” Alex rubbed his temples. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
    â€œWell, first we need to find out where he’s located. Alex, I have to tell Roman exactly what’s going on. Not only has Julian put Shimmer in danger, but it appears he’s encouraging his followers to turn innocent people.”
    He caught my gaze, then slowly nodded. “I understand. If Julian has captured Shimmer, I’m responsible. She’s my charge, and I won’t let her get hurt because some freak has it out for me. You have my full cooperation.”
    There was something in the way he spoke that made me cock my head and stare at him. Bette caught my eye and winked, but it wasn’t a lascivious wink. More of
you just unleashed a terror
. If Alex managed to catch Julian, all bets would be on the former to come out victorious.
    â€œI’m grateful for that. But Alex, don’t run off and go chasing him on your own. You’ll only make things harder for us. So, give us her address, and . . . did you want to meet us at her house?”
    â€œYeah, Ralph and I will meet you there. Ralph has a key—she gave him one so he could water her plants if need be.” Alex stood and arched his back. Bones cracked, and he looked pleased.
    â€œWe’ll stop by our house to make certain everything’s okay first.” We exchanged phone numbers and he texted us Shimmer’s address. I glanced at the clock. “It’s eleven now, meet you there at half-past midnight?”
    Alex nodded. “Sure. And . . . Thanks. If Shimmer’s in trouble because of me . . .” His words drifted off, but the sentiment was apparent.
    Before we headed out, I had a thought. “I forgot something, go ahead and I’ll meet you outside.” As Camille and Delilah left, I turned back to Alex’s office.
    He was sitting there, head down, playing with a pen. He jerked his head up when I reentered the room.
    â€œAlex, can I have a word with you?” I wanted to make sure of him. Just feel him out a little bit more.
    â€œI buzzed Ralph. He’s getting ready. What’s up?” His tone was light, but the look in his eyes said his mood was anything but.
    â€œTell me more about Julian. Do you think he’d hurt Shimmer?”
    Alex pressed his lips together. Then, he nodded. “Julian was a callous man. Okay, here’s the deal. To be honest, I was friends with both of them before Glory and I got together. He neglected her. He threw away her love, brushed her off like she was dirt. Now and then, I think he backhanded her a good one. She’d often be sporting bruises she couldn’t explain. When I asked how she got them, she’d say she fell, or that she’d hit against a cupboard or door. All the standard excuses abused women have been using since the beginning of time to cover for their attackers. I know why she did it, but it just made me more and more angry.”
    The pain in his voice struck me. Then, I understood. “You weren’t just out to fuck her. You were in
with her.”
    â€œSo what if I was?” He shrugged.
    â€œAnd you thought she loved you back.” Everything made sense. Alex had turned her because she told him she loved him. “You thought you’d be together forever.”
    â€œSomething like that.” With a shake of the head, he smiled ruefully at me. “I made a lot of grand gestures back then. I was a romantic, I think.”
    â€œI think you still are. And I think you’re terrified Julian’s going to harm Shimmer. So, you need to be up front with us. Tell us everything you can, because it will make our job that much easier. We can’t help you if you aren’t honest.

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