Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Free Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Abby Blake

Book: Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) by Abby Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abby Blake
night. John nodded frantically and pushed her to her knees. Without pause he ripped open his pants, grabbed his cock, and shoved it into her mouth. Surprised by his rough entry she gagged as he hit the back of her throat. The sound seemed to settle something inside him because he pulled out and then slid back in slowly. Carefully he built the rhythm, his hands shaking in her hair as he obviously held himself back. Mikayla moved to brace one hand against his thigh and wrap the other around his balls. He’d always warned her he could get pretty rough, but until this moment she hadn’t really believed him.
    “Good girl,” he said shakily as she gripped his balls tighter. He held her still as he fucked her face, sweat pouring down his abdomen and thighs as he seemed to strain to hold on to his sanity. A moment later his movement faltered, lost rhythm, pushed deep and held as his cum poured into her throat. She swallowed frantically to keep up, licking and sucking him clean and then managing to caress his softening cock with her tongue the way he liked.
    Finally she unwrapped her stiff fingers from around his balls. She’d been concentrating so hard on not hurting him accidentally that her hand cramped as she removed her grip. He saw her predicament and helped her to stand as he kissed each finger on her sore hand.
    “Are you okay, princess?”
    “Yes,” she said with a smile. When he grabbed for her dress, she moved out of his range. He raised his eyebrow in silent question. “I…um…I’m good.” When he frowned, she realized he wouldn’t let up until he had the full answer. “Yesterday was kind of intense. Between Ryan and Ty and Peter, I don’t think I need another orgasm for a while.” John still didn’t look convinced but he nodded.
    “Did they hurt you?” He looked quite angry at the thought, and she moved into his arms quickly to reassure him.
    “No. None of you have ever hurt me. Not ever. And none of you have done anything that I wasn’t happy for you to do. Are you listening to me, John? I’m just a little worn out, but nobody did anything to hurt me.”
    He nodded stiffly and she leaned up to press a kiss against the underside of his jaw. Desperate to placate his anger at his brothers she tried to inject a little humor. “And besides, that’s one you owe me. Next time I need an orgasm, I’ll be ordering you to your knees.” He laughed softly and hugged her harder.
    “I’m looking forward to it.”

    * * * *

    Lachlan came into the kitchen while she was cooking dinner. She felt a strange type of relief when she saw him. Peter and John and Ryan and Ty had all been acting out of character, so she was a little relieved to see the brother who wasn’t sleeping with her at the moment.
    “You look tired, little one,” he said by way of greeting.
    She nodded warily. The one and only time she’d been sick since meeting her husbands, Lachlan had basically taken over her life. He hadn’t let her eat, drink, shower, or sleep alone until he was convinced that she was one hundred percent well again. She almost giggled out loud at the memory. He’d been very sweet, but once she’d started to feel better, his overprotectiveness had begun to chafe.
    Ironically, a little TLC wouldn’t go astray at the moment, especially if it wasn’t coupled with wild sex. She’d had more than enough of that for the moment.
    “Can I help with anything?”
    “I’m nearly done,” she said confidently, “but I’d love a foot rub in a few minutes.”
    Lachlan smiled at her request, perhaps even a little relieved that she wasn’t trying to goad him into spanking her like she’d done for the last few months. They hadn’t made love since before her miscarriage, but even though his physical withdrawal hurt, she felt emotionally closer to him now than she ever had. Overall, it had been a good thing for them to step back from the sexual side of their Dom/sub relationship for a while and get to know each other

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