Beginnings (Brady Trilogy)

Free Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) by Aneta Krpekyan

Book: Beginnings (Brady Trilogy) by Aneta Krpekyan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aneta Krpekyan
head. He barely knew the woman for a few months so why had he developed this possessive attitude? He knew why. He sure as hell didn’t want another man having what he couldn’t. What he was frantically and painfully aching for yet denying himself of having since it was forbidden.
    “I’m sorry Luke but is there a problem from Friday night?” Isabel asked as she followed him into his office.
    Luke noticed the rest of his employees began to arrive as he took his seat at his desk. “No. There’s no problem. I just need those files completed please.” He said more calmly and watched her nod and leave without saying another word.
    The rest of the day Luke worked silently behind closed doors and told Isabel to hold all his calls. He didn’t call her into his office again, didn’t allow anyone to disturb him and didn’t even leave for lunch. He must be over working himself because he was beginning to not recognize his own rash behavior. It was that damn woman who was making him lose his mind. He couldn’t get her out of his head and as much as he tried to distract himself with Stacey on Friday night, he failed miserably. He wanted Isabel so badly it burned. Why? Why did he want her? What was about Isabel Stamos that constantly managed to get under his skin? Maybe that was the problem he told himself. Maybe that’s why he was losing his mind. Luke never came across anything he wanted and couldn’t have. And that’s why he was on edge when it came to his attraction towards Isabel. He would just have to find a way to get over it. When the holidays were over he would take a quick weekend vacation to his cabin in Big Lake and clear his head. Feeling like a complete jackass for the way he treated her earlier that morning, he picked up his phone.
    “Isabel can I see you in my office?” He hung up and she was instantly at the door. “Close the door please.” He watched her nervously move.
    “Have a seat.” She hesitantly pulled the chair and sat.
    “I want to apologize for my behavior this morning. I’ve got a lot going on and di dn’t mean to take it out on you. I’m actually very impressed by the additional changes you have made around here. Hiring you was beneficial to my company and it wasn’t fair to you the way I reacted. I didn’t mean to take on the role of the scary boss.” He finished and sent her a warming smile.
    Her heart melted. She knew he was bombarded with work and knew how much pressure the holiday projects were bringing upon everyone. But she knew that wasn’t the only problem. Strong instinct told her Luke was fighting his attraction towards her. He was constantly hot and cold. She didn’t know which direction he would turn next.
    “I’m so rry too Luke. I didn’t know the prints weren’t to your standards and I should have received a final confirmation first before leaving on Friday.”
    After they finished talking she got up to leave. Pausing at the front doors she looked at him. “I know this is irrelevant and has nothing to do with work but for what it’s worth nothing happened between me and that guy from Friday night. He just escorted me home and left. Nothing happened.” She repeated. “I was just uhh…” she swallowed the lump in her throat. “I was just too scared to go home alone since it was pretty late.”
    Silence hung heavily between them. Luke opened his mouth to speak but didn’t trust himself to comment.
    “I just wanted to clear the air and needed you to know how the night ended.” Isabel rushed with her words. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been out with friends and besides it will definitely take some time until I can work up the nerve in that department again.” She snorted and immediately turned red realizing she had spoken without thinking. Was she seriously standing her and speaking to her boss about her non-existing sex life? Ever since the incident in L.A she had become self-conscience and a bit insecure and she herself was surprised at her

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