Act of Mercy
disapproval in his dry voice, ‘are not interested in the Faith and the Holy Shrine, but go to learn mundane history.’
    There was no mistaking the criticism in the elderly man’s voice.
    ‘Do you object to your companions’ quest?’ Fidelma asked.
    Brother Tola toyed with the food that was still on his plate.
    ‘I would have thought that much was obvious. Brothers Dathal and Adamrae have no right pretending to go on a religious pilgrimage merely in order to indulge their interest in secular matters.’
    Brother Dathal’s face whitened and his voice rose considerably.
    ‘Nothing is more sacred than the pursuit of knowledge, Brother Tola.’
    ‘Nothing, except God and His saints,’ snapped Brother Tola, suddenly rising from the table. ‘Ever since we left Bangor, I have heard only of your precious search for historical truth. I am sick of it. We are here on a pilgrimage to the Holy Shrine of a great saint; one who knew and walked with Christ. That is more important than human vanity.’
    ‘What of Ith, the son of Bregon, who fell in battle in Ireland?’ retorted the mournful Brother Adamrae. ‘What of Golamh and his sons who were our forefathers? Isn’t that of great importance? Without them, you would not even exist to go on your pilgrimage.’
    ‘For one who bears the name of the first man created by God, you care little for your religion,’ berated Tola.
    Brother Adamrae sat back and began to chuckle. Brother Tola looked shocked at what he mistook for profanity. Even Fidelma hid a smile behind a raised hand. She was surprised by Tola’s lack of knowledge.
    Brother Dathal was not so diplomatic.
    ‘Your ignorance proves the need for what you describe as our human vanity,’ he told Brother Tola bluntly. ‘The name Adamrae has nothing to do with the Biblical name of Adam. It is an ancient name of our people, meaning “wonderful”. See how much you lack in knowledge if you concentrate on one subject?’
    Brother Tola turned with an expression of disgust and left the table.
    Sister Ainder who, Fidelma judged from her severity of countenance, was the female counterpart of Brother Tola, made a disapproving noise with her tongue.

    ‘One should not be disrespectful to Brother Tola. He is a man of great learning and piety.’
    ‘Learning?’ sneered Brother Dathal.
    ‘He is learned in scripture and philosophy,’ replied Sister Ainder.
    ‘He is not learned in our field and he was disrespectful to us,’ replied Brother Adamrae defensively. ‘We do not disguise our purpose in this voyage. It is our mission to bring back knowledge to our Abbey, already famed for its scholarship. Brother Tola seems to be against scholarship.’
    ‘He is not against that scholarship which we should all be keen to advance – religious scholarship,’ replied Sister Ainder.
    Brother Adamrae was disparaging not only of Brother Tola but his defender, Sister Ainder.
    ‘The pursuit of religious knowledge does not mean that all other arts and sciences have to be ignored. I swear, since this pilgrimage began, there has been nothing but strife in our party. If not from the intolerance of Brother Tola then from the lust of—’
    Sister Crella’s voice cut the air like a whip. There was an uncomfortable silence.
    ‘Enough, Brother Adamrae.’ Her voice assumed a more gentle tone of rebuke. ‘You would not wish our southern companion to think that we northerners are always quarrelling among ourselves, would you?’ She turned to Fidelma with a smile. ‘I noticed that our captain introduced you as Fidelma of Cashel. Are you from the Abbey there?’
    Fidelma thought it better to be noncommittal. In fact, she could make such a claim, and did so.
    ‘But you knew Brother Cian in Tara?’ This question came from the young girl, Gormán.
    ‘I was acquainted with him many years ago,’ Fidelma replied distantly. She felt their eyes on her but she bent to her meal. She had no desire to get too close to her companion and

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