Hot SEALs: Her Special Alpha (Kindle Worlds) (X-OPS 3.5)
mind. He’d been friends with Jon long enough to know he wouldn’t have asked the question if he didn’t want to know the answer. Maybe talking would help to get some of this stuff in his head out in the open.
    “Have you ever met a woman so incredible that it changed your whole outlook on everything?” he asked.
    Jon grinned. “Hell, yeah. The day I met Ali at that Fourth of July party was like the first day of my new life. Okay, to be fair, it took a little while for me to realize it, but once I figured out what I had with her, being in the navy wasn’t as important to me anymore. That’s the biggest reason I got out.”
    Travis chuckled. “Okay, I guess that was a stupid question since I already knew the answer to it.”
    During their downtime between missions over in Africa, Alison Cressly’s name had come up a lot. And there’d always been a smile on his face whenever Jon said it.
    Jon leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “What’s with the deep, meaningful stuff all of a sudden? You go out and stumble over the love of your life in the last few days or something?”
    That was exactly the same question Travis had been asking himself. And it sure as hell seemed like the answer was yes.
    After Eden had left to go see her sister, Travis sat in his rental car for fifteen minutes trying to get his heartbeat—and his arousal—under control. He couldn’t believe how fast he was falling for her. It wasn’t just sexual attraction, either, although there was a truck load of that going on to. No, what he was feeling for Eden was way more than lust. He’d never been in love with a woman before, but this had to be what it felt like.
    Even now, he was practically counting the minutes until he could see her again. He’d dated women he knew longer than Eden and hadn’t ever felt that way about being apart from them whenever he deployed, and that was for months at a time. If he took the job at GAPS, it would still be too far away even though she lived three hours from Virginia Beach. He was seriously considering moving his job search efforts closer to DC simply so he could be closer to her. It was insane and terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.
    “Actually, I think maybe I did,” Travis finally said in answer to Jon’s question. “I met this incredible woman right after you and I talked a couple nights ago.”
    Jon smiled. “That’s awesome. How the hell did you meet her?”
    “That’s the crazy thing.” Travis snorted. “I went for a walk around after we talked—just thinking, you know? Well, I heard the sounds of a scuffle in an alley and when I went to check it out, I found five guys beating the hell out of a couple of suits behind this restaurant. I stepped in and started dealing with the situation, and the next thing I know, guns are coming out and I’m figuring I’m actually going to buy it right here in the good old US of A after surviving eight years of nonstop warzone deployments. Then, out of nowhere, this gorgeous DHS agent comes running out of the back of this restaurant and commences to kick some serious ass. She saves my ass, and I save hers. Now I’m going with her to her sister’s wedding on Saturday.”
    On the other side of the table, Jon’s mouth was hanging open. “That was you in the shootout behind the Bluefin Bar and Grill? That’s been all over the news for the past two days. The reports are saying those guys had automatic weapons. How the hell did you and this woman get out of there without getting your asses perforated?”
    It wasn’t like Travis could say it was because Eden was a government-trained agent who was also a shifter that could sprout claws and fangs, and run like Usain Bolt on a caffeine high. So he just shook his head and shrugged.
    “Mostly we got lucky,” Travis said. “But when the bullets stopped flying, Eden and I just clicked. I gotta tell you, man, she’s frigging amazing.”
    Jon regarded him thoughtfully. “She sounds

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