
Free Riccardo by Elle Raven, Aimie Jennison

Book: Riccardo by Elle Raven, Aimie Jennison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Raven, Aimie Jennison
    Paulie pulled her into a hug as Nonna spoke to her sweetly. “Oh, sweetheart, it will get easier. I know you didn’t have the best relationship with your mother, but you will grieve for her nonetheless.”
    I quietly exited the kitchen and went hunting for Sebastiano. It didn’t take me long to find him. He was in his office flicking through some papers on his desk. “Why the fuck are you in here working? You should be out there enjoying the party for your son?” I questioned as I placed the beers on his desk.
    He shoved the papers aside and grabbed one of the five bottles. “You know me, work is never far from my mind. But you’re right, I need to go show Matias how to party.”
    “I’d hold back on the hard-core partying. I think he’s a little young for that kind of party,” I joked, thinking back to all the wild parties and many women we used to have around here.
    “I’m a one woman guy now. I’m sure you can show him that side of things when he’s old enough.” If only he knew that I was thinking of one woman more and more lately. If it wasn’t his daughter I had my mind on, he’d probably laugh at my predicament. That was why I could never have her and he must never find out. I remembered the pain he went through after Guido’s betrayal. If I followed through with my feelings for Lorena, there was no stopping what he would do. Interrupting my thoughts, he stood, scraping the chair against the polished jarrah wood and grabbed the beers off the desk. He slung his arm over my shoulder, and tugged me towards the door. “Come on, we’ve a party to enjoy.”
    Once we made it into the lounge, his arm dropped and he made his way over to Sierra who had Matias perched on her hip. Glancing around the room, I saw Lorena chatting with Paulie in a corner of the room. He was getting too close to her for my liking. Flames of jealousy coursed through me and I had to stop myself from making a move towards him. Raphael and Stefano pushed themselves between the two and I relaxed. None of the guys would dare make a move on Lorena, not when Sebastiano was in the same room. I chose that moment to make my escape.
    I could no longer play happy families. Any thoughts travelling through my mind were bound to tear our lives apart. I needed to keep away from her and keep myself guarded, but how could I when every time I touched her, it sustained my soul? And since tasting her, she evoked a burning desire that threatened to burn me alive.

    As soon as I walked into the club, I knew it wasn’t going to be a quiet night like I’d hoped. From the moment I saw Ronnie threatening a patron with her infamous cricket bat she kept under the bar, I realised I should have stayed away.
    Walking straight up to the guy, I grabbed his shoulder in a firm grip and felt him flinch beneath my hand. “This guy giving you trouble, Ronnie?” I asked.
    “He's a fucking dick. I've warned him to keep his hands to himself numerous times, but he’s still fucking touching,” she explained, waving the bat at the guy. “I swear if he touches Angel one more time, I will cut his fucking hand off myself.”
    This guy must have really pushed his luck, because Ronnie never hands out empty threats. Angel is one of the sweetest dancers we have here, so we all feel extra protective of her. No doubt that played a major part in Ronnie’s aggression.
    Tightening my grip on his shoulder, I pushed him towards the entrance doors and motioned for him to get out. “It looks like you’ve worn out your welcome. If you don’t learn to keep your hands off the girls, you’ll be banned permanently, unless Ronnie removes your hands first.”
    “The crazy bitch won’t get anywhere near me,” he grumbled, stumbling on his feet from my not so gentle shove into the car park.
    “I wouldn't count on that,” I said, making my way back to the bar through the doors of the club.
    “Thanks, Capo. Here, pull up a stool and I’ll pour you a

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