Nauti Intentions

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Book: Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
Natches muttered again.
    â€œLook at it this way,†Janey chirped. “You get what you want.†She turned to Alex, tilted her head, and smiled with a tight little curve to her
    lips. “And he gets to pay for it.â€
    Alex fol owed the others from the apartment almost an hour later, careful y keeping his expression calm and his mouth shut. If he wasn’t careful, he
    was going to chuckle. And that chuckle could risk his careful y laid plans.
    It wasn’t often a man could claim he’d managed to maneuver not just one intrepid little Mackay female, but her brother and two cousins as wel .
    Though, he wasn’t so sure about the cousins. Or the uncle. The three of them were a little too quiet, and a little too amused.
    Mackays could be subtle when the situation cal ed for it. It just had to suit them to do so. Now, Natches, he wasn’t so subtle.
    â€œTouch her. Just one time. Even dare to touch her, Alex, and I’l cut your dick off,†Natches warned him as they reached the trucks, his cousins
    and uncle trailing behind them.
    Alex turned to him, staring back at Natches’s furious green eyes curiously. “Hel of a warning to give me, buddy,†he snorted. “I’m
    doing you a favor here, not the other way around.â€
    Natches was right up in his face and, under most circumstances, would have found himself flat on his ass for his trouble. Problem was, if he hit Natches,
    he would have three others just as mean he’d have to fight, and then al his planning would go to hel .
    â€œYou don’t do anyone favors,†Natches informed him heatedly. “And don’t think I forgot how you were watching her six years ago.â€
    He gave Alex a disgusted look. “She was a baby.â€
    Alex stared back at him cool y. Janey had been seventeen at the time, which didn’t excuse him, but she hadn’t been a baby.
    â€œI’ve done the Mackays plenty of favors,†he reminded Natches. “The past six years I’ve busted my ass and my team’s to not just
    do our job, but cover her when we’re not on assignment. When on assignment, I’ve invariably managed to find backup, Natches.†He sneered
    the other man’s name. “That was a hel of a favor, buddy.â€
    â€œFrom a man lusting after a kid,†Natches charged.
    Alex had control. He’d majored in control. He was the king of control. But it snapped. Before he realized what he was doing, he had Natches’s
    jacket in his fists, throwing the other man against the side of the building.
    â€œDon’t cross the line, fucker!†Alex snarled in his face. “Don’t even cross that line.â€
    He was surprised the others hadn’t jumped in. He was even more surprised when Natches’s expression lost its fury. His hands came up, not to
    hit, but to jerk Alex’s hands back.
    â€œChrist!†Natches dug his fingers into his neck, shook his head. “Hel , Alex. I didn’t mean that, man.â€
    Alex stepped back, fury and guilt, more guilt than fury, pumping through his veins as he retreated.
    â€œYou’re right.†Natches ran his hand over his face and shook his head again. “You’re right. You’ve been in this al along, watching
    out for her. More than I was.†Torment creased Natches’s face. “You did what I couldn’t.â€
    And Alex had lusted. Every year it had grown, surged inside him until now. But Janey wasn’t a baby. She was a grown woman. An innocent,
    seductive young woman. And he was old enough to know better.
    â€œFuck it.†Alex moved back to his truck. “I’l be here after dark. Hel !†He got into his truck and waited. He let Natches pul out first, then,
    as Dawg moved to the window, he hit the control and lowered the glass.
    Dawg leaned against the door, watched Natches leave, then

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