Nauti Intentions

Free Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh

Book: Nauti Intentions by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
showed up exactly what was going to happen if Natches found out about it. She’d
    have to let Sheriff Mayes know exactly what she thought of his promises.
    â€œThis won’t work, Janey,†Natches bit out.
    â€œOf course it wil . He can show up after I’m finished at the restaurant at night and leave the next morning. No problem.†She shrugged.
    â€œAnd the rest of the day?†Natches pushed the words past gritted teeth. “You think from midnight to dawn is the only time you’re in
    â€œIt’s the only time those letters have shown up,†she said. “He can do it my way, or you can forget it.â€
    â€œYou don’t mean this! Janey, tel me you don’t mean this!†Natches’s expression was blank with shock now, his eyes brighter in his
    sun-darkened face, and that wasn’t normal y a good sign. He was outraged.
    Alex watched Janey cool y. Her expression, as calm, as remote as it appeared, hid much more than anyone in that room could guess. Her bravery was
    boundless. Her courage was terrifying. But he already knew that. He’d figured that out over the years while watching her.
    She was pissed. She was stubborn as hel . And she was about to make every damned one of them pay for coming here and backing her into a corner.
    He almost grinned as he watched her maneuver the Mackays. And she thought she was maneuvering him as wel .
    She had no clue.
    He’d known when he pul ed into the parking lot of the marina where this would go. He’d already weighed out the possibilities and come to one
    conclusion. Hel , he’d managed to do that while he was sitting on the street outside last night.
    Leaning against the wal now, his expression control ed, arms crossed over his chest, he watched her play her brother and her cousins with a
    confidence and sheer daring that only a Mackay could muster. When one of the males of that family used it, it never failed to piss him off. But watching
    Janey do it, he was hard as a rock and praying to hide it. Thankful y, he’d left his jacket on. Because sure as hel , if Natches had a clue just how hard
    Alex was for his baby sister, blood would be spil ed.
    â€œTel her how insane this idea is!†Natches turned on him when Janey refused to listen.
    Alex grimaced and rubbed at the outside of his thigh. “I am wounded, Janey,†he informed her. “I might not be your best bet.â€
    Her expression was almost smug. “Too bad.†She turned to Natches. “Do you guys want coffee before you leave?â€
    Everyone looked back at Alex.
    He scratched his jaw and stared back at Janey, eyes narrowed.
    â€œWhy him?†Natches turned back to her suspiciously.
    â€œBecause I don’t have to put up with al the moaning and groaning at night like I would if it were one of you.†She rol ed her eyes back at him.
    â€œReal y, Natches, al that marital bliss is too sweet for words.â€
    Al three of the younger Mackay men developed an almost smug look on their faces as Alex final y winced. He didn’t want to hear about their
    marital bliss, because one of them was married to his sister.
    â€œI don’t like it,†Natches muttered, plowing his fingers through his hair again. “Damm it, Janey. You need someone around the clock. Not a
    night watchman.â€
    â€œIf anything other than letters happen, I’l consider it,†she promised him.
    The fear was there. Alex saw it, even if she did think she was hiding it from her brother. Those letters had her spooked, and rightful y so. But guts and
    courage were Mackay traits, even if they were mixed with pure hardheaded stubbornness.
    â€œHow long is your leave?†Natches clearly wasn’t happy.
    Alex arched his brows. “I have extended leave right now. I’m clear.â€
    He could feel the other men watching him closely.
    â€œI don’t like this,â€

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