Erasing: Shadows (The Erasing Series)

Free Erasing: Shadows (The Erasing Series) by K.D. Rose

Book: Erasing: Shadows (The Erasing Series) by K.D. Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.D. Rose
Tags: Paranormal
have some catching up to do.”
    Stu started to reply, but she interrupted. “First, come in the kitchen, I have a whole breakfast waiting for you. You must be famished after all that activity. I know I was.”
    That was the first Stu had heard of something like an admission that Mrs. Ross knew exactly what she was doing. The question was—well what was the question anyway? What was going on? He was thankful for the breakfast though. At nineteen, he was younger than everyone, at least here in the real world, and although he lived on his own, he didn’t have much income to speak of. His studies took up most of his time. He thought for a second. They would be surprised, really surprised, if they saw how old he was intellectually. Maybe he would show them sometime. But only if absolutely necessary.
    “Won’t Michael or Jonathan—”
    “Oh don’t worry about them, sweetie,” said Mrs. Ross, with a trace of the same gentleness from the night before. “They would sleep through a bulldozer after last night. It’s just you and me. Now Madison and Morgan on the other hand—just keep your voice to a whisper.”
    Stu eagerly wolfed down the breakfast. Mrs. Ross let him finish most of it in silence. She could see how hungry he was. Not that it took him long.
    “Yep, that kind of work really takes it out of you, doesn’t it,” she whispered finally.
    “Yeah, it really does,” whispered Stu back. “Thank you for this.”
    “Don’t mention it. Don’t think I don’t know it was you who was keeping Mira and Brandon safe before I caught on. We owe you a lot.”
    Stu was left with his mouth agape. His face turned red. I’ve been found out by a grandmother?
    “Close your mouth, honey, and have some coffee,” said Mrs. Ross. “You’re going to need it. And by the way, I apologize for Michael. He isn’t used to traveling, and you know his feelings for Mira.”
    “No, I understand, really,” said Stu. “However, it’s nice to have someone else that understands.”
    “Well, you and I, we need to talk, but not here. The girls will be up soon, and I don’t want them to know anything. By the way, I don’t want the boys to know everything either, not yet.”
    Stu raised his eyebrows. Things were getting more mysterious by the minute. “You were expecting me?”
    “Yes, I knew you’d be by. But quick, we need to move. I hear stirring. Madison already knows I have an early morning market run, so she will be here for Brandon when he gets up. Let’s get on the move.”
    “But where?” asked Stu.
    Mrs. Ross grabbed his arm. “I have a place,” she said. “I know you can witness, but can you follow?
    Stu’s mouth was wide open again. She was using words he believed only he knew, from ancient, dusty books, and from experiments he thought only he had done—at least in the present day. “Um, yeah…” he said hesitating.
    However, they were too late. Madison came bounding down the stairs in shorts and a T-shirt with Morgan skipping behind her.
    Madison and Stu stared at one another. Madison gave an impish grin. Mrs. Ross gave them a shrewd look. “Stu, this is Madison and Morgan. Girls, this is a friend of your dad and uncle.”
    Stu stammered a hello and felt himself blush. I never do that. What on earth is happening to me?
    Mrs. Ross took notice. “Madison will be going to college this fall. Morgan is in the 7 th grade. Stu lives here in town, girls.”
    “Cat got your tongue much?” teased Madison, enjoying her effect on Stu.
    Stu just grinned like the teenager he actually was.
    “Girls, Stu is taking me to the market now. You girls watch out for Brandon. Let your dad and uncle sleep.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” said Madison. She and Morgan went into the T.V. room.
    “As I was saying, you know how to travel and follow, right?” repeated Mrs. Ross to Stu in a whisper.
    “Yes.” said Stu, firm this time.
    “Good, just try to keep up, dear.” And with that, Mrs. Ross disappeared.
    Stu was left alone for a

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