04 - Shock and Awesome

Free 04 - Shock and Awesome by Camilla Chafer

Book: 04 - Shock and Awesome by Camilla Chafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Camilla Chafer
way to the top. "It’s freshly painted and the furniture is all included. You can move in right away."
          I decided not to move in thirty seconds after she opened the triple-locked door and showed me a beige space. Sure, it was light and someone had clearly made an effort, but the fresh paint job didn't take away the lingering smell of cigarettes and the faint scent of something rotten. The laminate floor was cheap looking, and I'm pretty certain Renata got an electric shock when she flicked the kitchen light switch to show off clean, but desperately old units.
          All the same, I checked the price with her as we made our way from tiny kitchen to tiny bathroom, which had no bath. On to the bedroom, the window of which showcased a panoramic view of the brick exterior of the building next door. A building less than two yards away. "It's really the best I have," Renata confirmed when I asked. "A lot of buildings here are going owner-occupied. People want to get on the property ladder while they still can. Frederickstown is very up and coming. It might well become unaffordable in a couple of years after the area renovation is completed."
          What a depressing thought. Then a mouse ran across my foot. Renata screamed, concluding the apartment's plus points (i.e., affordable, no human roommates), which failed to outweigh the negatives that were too numerous to count.
          My final appointment of the day looked promising. On paper. Seriously, what was it with realtors? Why did they have to waste my time by giving a glowing description for a less than average apartment? Why couldn't they just be brutally honest? The big plus for this one was that it wasn't far from the agency. Close enough, in fact, that I could walk there daily and thus save money on gas. Gas money to offset the super high rent. But when coupled with the location - within easy walking distance of stores, coffee bars and one of several of my favorite bars - there was a certain lure to it. Unfortunately, it took me thirty minutes of driving in circles before I found a parking spot; time spent that only dropped my mood lower. It was also time enough to see one attempted mugging; but the thief was unceremoniously lambasted by an old lady's purse and ran away limping. "You go, girl!" I cheered from the safety of my VW.
          I knew I wasn't taking it before I ever stepped inside the building, even with a parking space I grabbed with one quick swing of the steering wheel, minutes from the door. I don't know what did it for me - the screaming couple in the lobby, or the Rottweiler slobbering at the doorman's desk, or the open dealing of narcotics - I really couldn't decide.
          "It's not for me," I told the grumpy realtor. Unlike Rick and Renata , he clearly lost all enthusiasm for his job.
          "No kidding," he replied, with a wry smile. "I just can't find a renter for this place."
          "Can't think of why."
          We both looked at the drug-dealing doorman. "Me neither," said the realtor. "Maybe the lobby needs a palm tree. Make it look classy."
          "Yep, that should do it," I agreed, although I suspected he might not be joking. We took one last look at the dealer and left. My phone rang as soon as I climbed into my car, and Solomon flashed on the screen. Well, not flashed. That would be awesome . His name flashed on the screen. Even so, I had a hot flush just thinking about him.
          Him. Not me.
          "I need you," said Solomon.
          Holy cow , said a little voice inside me.
          "Okay," I squeaked.
          Yes! Though ... "Uh, what for?"
          "I need a ride home."
          Typical. "Don't you have a car?" I knew he had a car. When I parked my car next to it, the VW looked like his Lexus LX's baby.
          "I do. But it won't move."

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