Sweet Revenge (Dueling with the Devil)

Free Sweet Revenge (Dueling with the Devil) by Vivi Dumas

Book: Sweet Revenge (Dueling with the Devil) by Vivi Dumas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vivi Dumas

    “ Just keeping each other entertained . ”
    “ I don’t know. I wouldn’t take a blade for some female I’m j u s t k i c k i ng i t w i t h . ”
    “ She’s really entertaining .” Xavier laughe d, remembering his recent encounter with Bell.
    Jacque inspected Xavier closely .“ Man. I swear I know you from somewher e , ” he inquired with a raised brow .“ Anyway. Thanks for earlier. Bell can be a pain in my as s, but she’s like family . ”
    “ So what? Y’all like kissing cousins or something ? ”
    Jacque shoveled more of the chicken into his mouth .“ I never looked at it that way. But we grew up together. Laurent is like the brother I never had. He and I spent the bulk of our lives trying to keep Bell out of trouble. You’re the one that’ll have to deal with her bullshit now. Good luck with that . ”
    “ Thanks. I feel like I’ll need it .”
    t t t
    Bell perched on the edge of the bed fuming. She couldn’t believe that low life piece of shit walked out on her. She was more pissed at allowing him to fuck her. And hated herself more for enjoying it so much. She had to get away. There was no way she wanted to be tethered to him right now.
    “ Lucifer. Luc !” she whispered vehemently .“ Luc. I know you can hear me. I need to talk to you. Now . ”
    Heat roared in the center of the room. Flames danced toward the ceiling. In the mid s t of the fir e, Lucifer appeared in his usua l, theatrical form .“ What do you want ? ”
    “ I want out .” She crossed her arms in defiance.
    Lucifer shook his head .“ Not possible . ”
    She closed the distance between them .“ I can’t deal with being tied to that fool. I’ll do it myself. I’ll bring Jacque and Angel to yo u, but get rid of Xavier . ”
    He ignored her close proximity .“ I don’t think you can pull it off by yourself. You need him. You’re too close to these people to stay objective . ”
    “ At least unshackle us. I need some breathing room . ”
    “ This is what happens when you mix business with pleasure. This is why interoffice relationships are frowned upon . ”
    “ You’re such a fucking voyeur. Just free me . ”
    Lucifer shrugged .“ I guess I can grant tha t, but you must f i n i s h t h e j o b . ”
    “ Yeah. I’ll get it done. Oh…call off whatever madness you sent after us tonight. I can’t get Jacque and Angel if whoever else you’ve contracted tries to kill me again . ”
    “ I don’t have anyone else on this .” He scrunched his brows in confusion.
    She scrutinized him .“ Something tried to off me today . ”
    “ I didn’t send it . ”
    Where the hell did that thing come from? I don’t need random attackers showing up to complicate things. W e got to f ind out mo r e about this c r e atu r e . But first I need some me time.
    ” Unlock Xavie r, so I can get some air . ”
    With a gallant bo w, he answere d, “ Your wish is my command . ”
    As fast as Lucifer appeare d, he was gone. Bell showered and changed into her favorite pair of worn jean s, fetched her purse and headed out. Downstairs she heard voices in the kitchen. Her breath caught when she saw Xavier and Jacque sitting at the large granite island. Even with Xavier disguised as Sea n, it still unnerved her with them hanging together.
    “ What’re you two up to ?” she questioned.
    Xavier chugged his beer before answering .“ Eating old chicke n, drinking bee r, and comparing notes on how you are in bed . ”
    She punched him hard in the arm .“ You better not be talking a b o ut m e . ”
    Jacque laughed .“ Isn’t being the center of attention kinda your thing ? ”
    “ I don’t like my men interacting with each other. And I don’t want my secrets divulged. He’s new. Don’t scare him away yet . “
    “ Believe me. I’ve been terrified since I met you. Lucky for yo u, I’m too petrified to run .” Xavier winked at her. Jacque chuckled when he glanced in her direction.
    Gritting her teet h, she muttere d, “ Wel

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