Live Original (Sadie Robertson)

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Book: Live Original (Sadie Robertson) by Sadie Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Robertson
something great to offer the world around you. If you let the world shape you and influence you—instead of influencing it—you will miss the chance to share with others what God has given you.
    Your smile represents everything about you. One reason I like the quote “Let your smile change the world” is that I think the world needs to be changed in a lot of ways. It needs to become a happier, more positive place. I know those changes can start with something as simple as a smile and then, as we begin to believe we can have an impact on the world, we will build the courage to do bigger and bigger things.
    Someone once asked me what changing the world means to me. I have always thought of it as something that happens one step at a time, by one person at a time. No one changes the world overnight or all alone. But if we all do what we can do, eventually it happens. Things become different.
    Sometimes people think they cannot do anything to change the world. They think they’re nobodies, or they decide they do not have the brains, the experience, the skills, the money, or the creativity to make a difference. But that’s just not true. Everybody can do something. If that something does not seem like very much, that’s okay; do it anyway. I remember when I wanted so much to share Jesus with someone and I could not find anyone who needed to know about Him. So I prayed and asked God to give me opportunities. He did.
    If you don’t think you can do anything to make a difference,start praying. Pray that God will give you the chance you need. Especially if you are a Christian, ask God for a way to share His love with someone. If you can tell one person about the hope of Jesus and they tell another person, eventually you can bring a lot of change. Not everyone will believe what you say about Him. Not everyone will take it well. But if you can help one person change and that one can help someone else, you can make a huge impact. Just do what you can do, even if it seems very small—because it might just turn into something really big.
    Years before Duck Dynasty started, some people in my family had a television show called Duck Commander. It was on a small hunting network for serious outdoorsmen. It did not have the kind of ratings Duck Dynasty has had, but it was a full television production, complete with a crew and everything.
    Let me explain something about filming. When people are wearing microphones in order to film a show, the guys who do the sound can hear everything said, even casual conversations. When you are filming a TV show, you tend to forget you have on a microphone. If you need to go to the bathroom and forget to turn off your mic, they can even hear you peeing. Embarrassing.
    After being around my family for a while, one of the men who worked on the sound noticed that our family did not use bad language or trash other people; we spoke with kindness and honesty. So he decided to really pay attention to everything we said to see if we would slip up. We never did, and that was very surprising to him.
    One day he told Papaw Phil that he had been listening to seeif we would use cuss words or talk behind someone’s back. He also told Papaw Phil he never heard anything bad or mean-spirited come out of our mouths, and asked why.
    Instead of giving him a quick answer, Papaw Phil said, “Do you have a few hours?”
    Papaw Phil took the man to his house and spent the afternoon explaining a relationship with God to him, and the man became a Christian.
    A lot of people come to Jesus because of what they do hear—maybe a Bible verse or a great story about something God has done in someone’s life. This man came to Christ because of what he did not hear—negativity, trash talk, complaining, or bad language. The Robertson men on the show were just being themselves. Because they were genuine, that man’s life was changed forever. That’s one way to change the world.
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