Live Original (Sadie Robertson)

Free Live Original (Sadie Robertson) by Sadie Robertson

Book: Live Original (Sadie Robertson) by Sadie Robertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Robertson
pretty sure, if you’ll look, you’ll be surprised at the adults who would really love to be part of your life.
    Put good things into your brain. I wrote about this earlier in the book, but it’s so important that I want to mention it again. One of the best ways to take responsibility for yourself and for who you will become is to be disciplined about what goes into your mind.
    One time, a friend of mine put some nasty things on Twitter and I unfollowed her immediately. She got upset about that and I told her, “If you want to change what you post, I will follow you again.” I knew that if I let myself read the words she tweeted, they would get into my head and would influence my thoughts and what came out of my mouth. In that situation, I could not change what she posted, but I could fix me.
    The same thing is true about the shows we watch on TV and the music we listen to. I hear people complain a lot because they think there’s nothing good to watch on TV. When they say this, I think, The only way you can know it’s not good is if you watch it. If it’s not good, why are you watching it? Our family believes Duck Dynasty has brought a positive message to television. That’s at least one good show people can watch!
    My point is bigger than Duck Dynasty , though. I’m trying to say that one way we can take responsibility for ourselves is to fix what goes into our heads. We can be disciplined about what we watch, read, and listen to and about whom we follow on social media. People say that “what’s out there” is so destructive to the world—all the sex and violence and bad language—but I say what’s destroying the world around you does not have to destroy your own world. You can be bigger than that!
    Sometimes we have to make unpopular decisions like the ones I just described. Other people may not like them, but we do not make them for other people. We make them for our own good.

Live Original Challenge
1.  Why do you think taking personal responsibility and fixing yourself is important?
2.  What’s the biggest thing you think you need to fix about yourself right now? How can you start?
3.  Is there someone in your life who is causing you trouble? Instead of blaming that person, how can you respond to the situation in a way that will help you grow?
4.  Do you need to work on yourself by changing your group of friends? Who are some people who could influence you in positive ways and how can you develop relationships with them?

You can’t change anyone else.
You can only fix you!

In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.
—Matthew 5:16

    Let Your Smile Change the World
    O ne of my favorite quotes is: “Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world.” It’s credited as “anonymous,” so I don’t know who wrote it, but I think that person was very smart. The words remind me to bring joy to the world. Even when I am not having a good day, if I will just smile, I’ll bring a little joy to myself and to the people around me. That’s a good thing to do. I can do it, and so can you.
    This quote also encourages me to be genuine everywhere I go. It talks about your smile, not someone else’s smile. I don’t ever have to pretend to be someone I’m not just to impress other people or to fit in with a certain group. I only need to be myself. Some people will like who I am, some will not. So I will hang around with the ones who do. My mom says: “You can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you won’t ever please all of the people all of the time.” So don’t let that get you down. Don’t let people you can never please change your smile.
    What’s true for me is true for you. You do not have to try to impress anyone either. God made you in a unique way so you wouldhave

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