Aestival Tide

Free Aestival Tide by Elizabeth Hand

Book: Aestival Tide by Elizabeth Hand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Hand
spot. You could see the flat gray surface of one of the domes from here, and hear the boom of the ocean rolling against it. Because of its proximity to these reminders of Outside, the chambers had been empty for years before Ceryl was assigned to them. And since her promotion to the Orsinate’s pleasure cabinet, Ceryl herself should be in her new quarters up on Thrones. Every week she told herself she would move, that this would be the end of it; and every week she spent as little time as possible where the Orsinate might find her. She hated giving up her workchambers, although even she had to admit they were nowhere near as spacious or comfortable as her new quarters. When pressed, she said that she needed access to the plants and animals of the vivarium level for her work as a pharmacologist.
    But the truth was, Ceryl couldn’t sleep on Thrones. She would never admit it, but she missed the sound of the sea. She wondered sometimes if that had something to do with her nightmares—knowing it was so near to her Outside, that constant crash and sigh that surrounded her as she worked.
    But then, even Shiyung Orsina had been stirred by it.
    â€œDoes it keep you awake at night, listening to that?” she asked Ceryl the first time they’d met. The margravine stood staring out the workchamber’s strip of window, a glass of Ceryl’s cheap brandy in her hand.
    This was not long after Ceryl’s lover, Giton Arrowsmith, had died. Shortly before his death, Giton had become involved with the cult of Blessed Narouz’s Refinery. Ceryl suspected that the Orsinate had him killed, ordering the destruction of the block of flats where he and several other disciples of Blessed Narouz lived. When Shiyung suddenly appeared at her door, Ceryl was convinced she was about to be hauled off by the Reception Committee. Instead she ended up being promoted to the pleasure cabinet.
    She’d heard scuffling outside, and then the sweet yet commanding tone of the most popular of the margravines. Then someone had started banging on her door. When she’d opened it, there was Shiyung, with a full retinue of guards and ’filers following her, taping her official visit to the Amazonian vivarium for broadcast that night. In the crowd Ceryl glimpsed her supervisor, her white face belying her confident words.
    â€œâ€¦Waxwing is our best pharmacist, I’m sure she can do something for your migraine—”
    Ceryl tried weakly to explain that she was not a pharmacist, but the subtleties of her work were lost on the margravine. Shiyung drifted into the room clutching her forehead, gesturing dramatically for the others to leave. They did so, casting sympathetic glances in the stunned Ceryl’s direction.
    The margravine was taller and even lovelier than she appeared on the ’files. As always when she made one of her highly publicized tours of the lower levels, she wore laborer’s clothes—in this case, a biotech’s yolk-yellow robe and high rubber boots. Her sleek black hair was pulled through a copper loop. At her throat the Orsinate’s heraldic eye glittered wickedly.
    Ceryl stared at her, speechless. It was as though the dreaded Zalophus had appeared at her door.
    â€œThank god! A pharmacist!” The margravine moaned and sank into a chair, shielding her eyes from the dim light. “Please—the migraine—help me—”
    With shaking hands Ceryl had mixed a nostrum combining tranquilizing neurots and a strong anaesthetic (cheap brandy laced with alomine) along with a mild hallucinogen (datura), followed by a few minutes of massage therapy. To her amazement (and eventual dismay) the philter worked. After an hour Shiyung lifted her head, batting her eyes weakly.
    â€œIt’s gone,” she whispered. She fingered the pendant at her throat and gazed at Ceryl with huge black eyes. “My god, you’ve saved me—”
    Ceryl nodded, moving quickly to help the

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