Bad Rep

Free Bad Rep by A. Meredith Walters

Book: Bad Rep by A. Meredith Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Meredith Walters
look like sex on a stick.   His dark hair was freshly buzzed and I could see the gleam of his eyebrow piercing.  I hated that I noticed he had replaced the ring with a silver barbell.  His polo shirt was snug over his muscles and his cargo pants hung low on his hips. 
    Lyla gave him a quick hug and he called out a greeting to Jaz and Damien, whose sections were closest to the bar.  I tried really hard not to watch him as he scanned the rest of the dining room.  But I felt the moment his eyes found me.  It was like my entire body thrummed with it. 
    “Hey, Maysie,” he called out.  I grudgingly looked up and our eyes met.  And just like that first time I saw him, the air hummed with electricity.  The chemistry between us was palpable.  I jerked my eyes away from him and lifted a hand in greeting, not trusting my voice at that moment.
    I felt him watch me for a few seconds longer and then turn away.  I snuck another look in his direction but he was talking to Lyla and pulling the rack of glasses off the counter to put them away.  I busied myself with finishing up my prep work.
    By the time I was done, it was 5:15 and I had my first table.  And then another one and another one until all five of my tables were full.  I ran around like crazy.  But at least tonight I got to keep the tips.  And so far they were fat.  By 7:30, I had $60.  I was glowing, I was so happy.
    I had just scooped up a 20 dollar tip left by some older business guys who I had flirted shamelessly with while they checked out my chest.  I practically skipped to the back to have a quick smoke before my next table was sat.
    I pushed open the outside door and almost collided with Jordan, who was coming inside.  “Sorry,” I mumbled, my good mood evaporating instantly.  It sucked that when I looked at him, lust warred with embarrassment in my mind.  Embarrassment over what might have been had I not found out how close I came to being “the other woman.”
    “Hey, Mays.  How's it goin'?” he asked, holding the door open for me so I could step out.  I really needed the nicotine, so I ignored my discomfort and stepped around him to get to the milk crate and have a seat. 
    “It's going good,” I replied shortly.
    I could see Jordan out of my peripheral as he hesitated.  He still held the door open, as if unsure whether to go inside or not.  Go inside.  Please, just go inside. I pleaded silently.  My Jedi mind trick clearly wasn't working, because Jordan let the door close and sat down on the stoop beside me. 
    He watched me as I smoked my cigarette.  Finally I looked at him and arched my eyebrow.  “Can I help you with something?” I asked snidely.  Jordan smirked, as if amused by my bitchiness. 
    “Is this how it's going to be between us now?” he asked.  I looked at him, refusing to drop my eyes.  No sense in him seeing how much he had screwed with my head in the short time I had known him.
    “Well, how do you expect me to act?  I mean, it's not every day the guy you may or may not be interested in, asks you out, but conveniently forgets to inform you that he has a girlfriend.  It puts a bit of damper on things, don't you think?” 
    Jordan raised his eyebrows at me and smiled.  “ May or may not be interested in, huh?” he teased and I could smack myself for my monumental slip up.
    “It doesn't matter how I feel.  This...” I gestured between us with my hand,  “is off limits.” I finished, not liking how this conversation was going.  Jordan looked down at the ground and kicked a rock. 
    “Why does it have to be off limits?” he asked quietly.  It was my turn to smirk. 
    “Do you even need to ask?'  I questioned in disbelief.  How could he be so dense?
    Jordan cleared his throat.  “What if it wasn't?  Off limits, I mean. What if...”  He was cut off by the kitchen door opening and Jaz and Leo came out, immediately lighting

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