Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3)

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Book: Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) by Karen Swart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Swart
    A blush formed on my cheeks and I quickly looked away.
    Will we be next ?
    Looking back at them, I tried to envision Chax and me in their places. I just couldn’t picture that. We were so different; no way would we get along like the others. Confused, I watched as a group chattered on about the presence of silver balls on the table. There were colors bursting from small slits, throwing light across the examiners’ faces.
    “What are these?” I asked Ben, who was next to me.
    “It’s what we made last night. We call them freezers. Demons and Fallen alike won’t be able to shift if you drop them.” Ben beamed at me.
    “What?” I almost pounced on him, I was bursting with excitement.
    “You see, the trick is to drop them to the ground around your target, blocking the target in. Then a charmed net will cover the area and lock whoever is standing in the middle to that spot. They can move and everything, but can't shift. We tested it earlier this morning.”
    My smile must have said it all, because everyone started to laugh. I looked over at Chax, but he just looked at me and said nothing.
    “Does this mean we can start today?” I asked him.
    He looked angry but nodded.
    “Indeed. But we will need to plan this properly. The princes will call for re-enforcements. So, while you battle a prince, we will need enough Fallen to keep them away from the net.”
    Before I could ask more questions, Max placed a plate in front of me.
    “Eat up. We have a long day ahead of us.”
    I picked up my fork and began eating, my mind mulling over what I had learned so far. So, we will have a huge battle, while I try to kill a prince. Well, that sounded more like my life. We finished our breakfast and while we waited for everyone to finish getting dressed, Fallen started shifting in. When I walked outside, I noticed Chax’s yard had begun filling up with a lot of Fallen. I waved at Don and his team as I made my way over to a familiar face.
    “Hi Seth,” I said as I came to a stop in front of him.
    “I am relieved to see you are all in one piece. Did he hurt you?” he asked, looking around nervously.
    “Not really. It was Okay. Don’t stress,” I reassured him.
    “Kasadya!” Chax yelled. 
    I turned to face him, finding his face scrunched up in anger.
    “That would be my queue. See you later.” I said, leaving Seth before I made my way to the obviously mad Chax.
    “Yes?” I asked, wondering what I did now.
    His eyes were locked on Seth behind me, and then he turned around and walked off without telling me what’s wrong. I followed behind him at his command, finally stopping when he showed me into his study.
    Oh, this doesn’t look good .
    I stepped inside and watched him enter, closing the door with a heavy hand. He stood there, staring at me, for a long moment. My nerves were on edge, my mind a jumble of questions.
    “When the battle starts you will listen to my every command. Do you understand?” He instructed as he turned around towards the desk.
    I stood there, looking at his back and matching his pissed off mood.
    “I have killed one before.” I said lividly.
    “Yes, but I also believe that it was after you ended up in his den.” He turned around and glared at me.
    I was about to say something, but just shut my mouth.
    Why bother. “Yes,” I replied instead.
    He walked over to me, and I prepared myself for a surprise move from him. What surprised me was his hand reaching for my face and cupping it. We looked at each other for a moment, and just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger, he leaned down and kissed me. His lips softly caressed mine, his scent enveloped me sending my own senses into a frenzy.
    I was completely caught off guard.
    Holy crap! Chax was kissing me and it felt freaking awesome!
    When my mouth opened, I felt his tongue touch mine. Something strange happened and before I knew what hit me, I had my arms around his neck and I was kissing the crap out of

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