Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3)

Free Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) by Karen Swart

Book: Hellhound Born (Kasadya #3) by Karen Swart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Swart
worry. What’s important is that you are still alive. Go get a shower and get changed, then I'll give you a few sword lessons.”
    She was up and out of the lounge, her feet plodding up the stairs, as soon as the words slipped from my mouth.
    “I like her,” Nanini said as she got up.
    I just shook my head. Nanini was a lost cause, so trying to explain the pain her course inflicted wouldn’t help.
    “It’s nice of you to help Raven out. Although the two of you don’t really interact that well,” Lada said, grinning at me.
    “She is a pain in the ass. But I would sleep better if I knew she was a pain in the ass for demons too.” I explained.
    I walked out towards the arena Chax used to train me. Stepping outside, I drew in a deep breath. The day was almost over and we hadn’t changed anything. Well, except for an arrangement with a demon princess, including a way to ground demons. I walked over to the wall filled with weapons and looked them over. I missed my training facility at Amon's compound. I had some bad-ass weapons that would make all these look like dingy toys.
    “Kas I would like to talk to you,” Zurita said from behind me.
    And my day is not getting better.
    With a sigh, I turned to face her.
    “Sure,” I replied, crossing my arms and waiting for her to “talk” to me.
    It was pretty clear that she was pissed off at me. She walked over to a bench and sat down.
    “I know, given the circumstances, we didn’t meet on good terms. However, I am indebted to you.” She smiled at me.
    Huh? Did I miss something?
      “For what?” I asked.
    “You may have caused a lot of trouble, but you also brought Caim and me together. And from what I hear, you also saved him. For that I am very grateful.” She got up and walked over to me.
    “I made mistakes just like you. But I know you will learn from them, just like I did.” She placed her hands on my upper arms and looked at me.
    “Okay.” was my only reply.
    With a nod she released me and turned to the house. I watched her leave, dumbfounded from our conversation. Raven came storming past her, and Zurita watched her make her way to me. A huge smile was on Raven's face. Looking back to Zurita our eyes met and with a smile she nodded at me. It would seem we had an understanding.
    Now, just to figure out what it is.
    “What are we doing first?” Raven caught my attention.
    Looking down at her and smiled. I could see the excitement in her eyes. I wish that was how I felt when Chax trained me.
    “Go get those swords over there.” I pointed to the same ones I started with. Memories of that day still fresh in my mind.
    Raven lifted them up, her face beaming with pride when she made her way back to me.
    “They are beautiful,” she said in awe.
    I pulled out my swords and her mouth dropped open.
    “We will get you your own pair. I will ask Chax when we are done,” I promised. She looked up at me surprised, “Really?” she asked uncertain.
    “Yes, and we will fix your clothes so you will have sheaths to place them in, like mine.” Her eyes became watery and she nodded, a whispered thank you escaping her mouth.  I smiled at that. Poor girl, she had so much to learn.
    I moved a few steps away from her.
    “I move and you repeat with your swords. Ready?” I explained to her.
    With a nod, we began.
    I had to give Raven some credit, she was a quick learner. In no time she was perfecting her moves with the swords and moving with skill. At some point Lada, Nanini and Lotan joined us outside, all of them whooping when Raven mastered the successive move. By the time we finished, an orange sundown greeted us on the horizon.
    “Go get cleaned up again. You look like road-kill,” I joked with her, and then watched her leave.
    “Wow Kas, you are a great teacher. You're going to make one hell of a custos,” Lotan remarked.
    I stopped at his words, but didn't look at him. That would depend on if we survived the battle.
    I loved teaching.

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