Love Under Two Navy Seals

Free Love Under Two Navy Seals by Cara Covington

Book: Love Under Two Navy Seals by Cara Covington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Covington
Tags: Romance
of footsteps pulled him out of his musings. Drew bounded into the kitchen, his hair still damp from his shower, and immediately headed toward the cupboard.
    “Julia is calling in to her workplace.” He began to set the table. “Since she doesn’t actually begin her new position for another two weeks, she’s been just going in and spending time with the retiring visitors’ bureau director. Getting a sense of what’s been done in the past, and all that the position entails.”
    “She’d want to hit the ground running,” Dev said. “She likes to have her ducks in a row. And, she’s a real people person. She’s very well suited to the field of public relations.”
    “She is,” Drew agreed. “When we served on that committee with her, that’s what got my attention first off. The way she made everyone there, all from different civilian agencies, branches of the service, and city departments, feel as if they were an integral part of the whole.”
    “What a nice compliment!”
    Julia came into the kitchen looking like a beautiful spring day. She went over and kissed Drew. “Thank you for that.”
    “You’re welcome—but I just spoke the truth.”
    Then she came over to Dev. “And thank you for making breakfast.” She stretched up and gave him a light kiss.
    Hungry for more than just a peck, he picked her up, wrapped his arms around her, laid his mouth on hers, and sank into her. His tongue tasted her and teased her. He felt her nipples harden into tiny little rocks that poked his chest. He thought she was the best-tasting breakfast he could ever have.
    Dev set her down gently, pleased as hell to see a bit of a dazed look in her eyes and a flush on her cheeks. “You’re welcome, baby doll. Let’s sit down and eat.”
    Julia shook her head once, and then sank into a chair at the table. “The two of you scramble my brains.”
    “Good,” Drew said. “Because you sure as hell rattle ours.”
    Dev brought two platters of food out of the oven and set them on the table. He’d kept the bacon, sausage, and pancakes warm. He’d just finished cooking the eggs, and as Drew poured out the coffee and brought over the toast, Dev took the lid off the skillet and set it on a hot plate on the table. He hoped Julia liked cheese in her scrambled eggs, and didn’t mind the absence of hot sauce.
    He sat down and began to dig in. He thought she might have made a comment about how much food he’d prepared. Both he and Drew tended to eat large breakfasts. Then he recalled that she had six brothers. Julia Benedict was likely used to banquet-sized meals.
    “I thought that after breakfast, you could show us some more of your town,” Dev said. “We haven’t actually seen much of it.”
    Julia smiled at him as if he’d done something wonderful for her. “That was my idea, too,” she said. “I don’t know how much you know of our history. We have a very unique one.”
    “I have to confess that we know next to nothing about it,” Dev admitted. “The only thing we understood early on was that the kind of family we’d like to make with you isn’t unusual here in Lusty.”
    “When we discovered that,” Drew said, “we knew this was where we had to be.”
    “Especially,” Dev said, “because you were here.”
    Julia tilted her head to the side. In her eyes he could see hesitation. He knew she would likely resist thinking in terms of a permanent relationship so soon. He was pretty certain he understood what was holding her back.
    It wasn’t that she didn’t love them. He knew she did, even if she didn’t understand that herself, or even if she knew but refused to admit it.
    A woman who’d only had three serious relationships by the age of twenty-eight—which was how old she’d been when they’d met her—would never have been able to give herself to them so freely if she didn’t love them.
    Dev believed that what held her back was the fact that he and Drew were both very strong men, not the least bit shy when

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