Blood Prophecy: Kallen's Tale

Free Blood Prophecy: Kallen's Tale by Bonnie Lamer

Book: Blood Prophecy: Kallen's Tale by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
mouth.  “You’re just a walking dictionary, aren’t you?  Thanks for clearing
that up for me.”  I chuckle, which annoys her more.
    Her mother jumps into the
conversation, ruining my fun.  “A Seductress is someone who can use her magic
to persuade others to do things against their will – no matter how desperately
they fight against her.  She taps into a person’s deepest desires.”
    Xandra’s attention is drawn
back to the conversation at hand.  “That sounds wrong.  Why would Grandpa want someone
like that around?”  I try not to laugh at the color rushing to her face as she
realizes the obvious answer to that question.
    The Angel ignores the blush
on Xandra’s face.  “A Seductress is a powerful ally.  Many challengers to your
Grandfather’s throne have been settled by Maeva without bloodshed.  And when
someone has broken one of our laws, a little time with Maeva will make them
confess to everything and more easily comply with their sentencing.”
    “And let me guess, they’re
sentenced to death,” Xandra says.
    The Angel is shocked.  “Good
heavens, no!  We’re not barbarians.  Their power is bound one to three times,
depending on how powerful they are, and then their sentence is to live magic
free and incarcerated anywhere from thirty days to life.”
    Oh, she is playing right
into Xandra’s trap.  How amusing to watch.  Xandra asks her, “So the death
penalty never comes into play?”
    With an emphatic head shake,
the Angel says, “No.”  It is obvious the minute she realizes her mistake. 
    It is obvious to Xandra, as
well.  She leans back in her chair and crosses her arms over her chest.  “So,
let me get this straight, then.  Even though I have not committed any magical
crimes, I have not used my magic to intentionally inflict harm on another Witch
or human, and I saved this realm from the Fairies coming back to wreak revenge,
I am somehow evil enough to be put down like a dog.”  Turning to me, she says,
“It’s a good thing I didn’t hurt my leg up in the mountains, you would have had
to shoot me to put me out of my misery.”
    I love it when she’s
facetious in situations such as this.  “I probably would have tried splinting
it first.”
    She nods appreciatively.  “Very
considerate of you.  And you’re not even a blood relative.”  Thank god for
that.  My thoughts are way too impure towards her to be related to her. 
    The Angel tries to
backpedal.  “Of course it is wrong what your grandfather and his Witan want to
do.  That is why I’m here.”
    As much as I am enjoying
this back and forth, I understand when Xandra’s father suggests we move the conversation
along.  Getting back to the topic at hand, Xandra continues to ask her
grandmother about the Witan.  “Fine.  So, how do you fight against a
    I can answer that one.  “You
have to see her for what she really is.  A Seductress’s power is in her ability
to make you see what your heart wants to see.  If you favor thin blonds, then
that’s what she looks like to you.  If you like rugged men, then that’s what
she looks like to you.  She becomes one’s physical dream.  Once she has caught
your interest, she wheedles her way into your mind and convinces you that you
are living in a fantasy world with your dream lover and she can get you to do
almost anything.”
    Xandra’s brows come
together.  “Okay, but what if you’re already with your dream lover?”  She just
made my entire year with that one little comment.  There is no stopping the
smug smile that jumps onto my lips.  With a heavy blush, Xandra ignores me and
keeps talking about the Witan.
    For the next several
minutes, we discuss the power of a Seductress.  Xandra is confused that she
cannot just mimic the type of magic a Seductress uses.  Her mother then
explains that, like Fairies, Witches each have a type of magic they do
exceptionally well.  Yet another lesson she could have learned years

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