Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series

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Book: Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Quinn Loftis
the love of not wanting to be tortured, please attempt to look inconspicuous.”
    Once again facing the casino, they headed toward the doors that would lead them into the world held captive by Lorsan and his will.
    As soon as they entered, they were assaulted by the sounds of ringing slot machines, shouts at the roulette tables, and boisterous laughter from all directions. Elora felt as if she was a kid seeing Disney World for the first time. She wondered why it was having a strong effect on her. The first time they’d come she’d felt something, but it hadn’t been nearly as strong. She felt Cush’s fingers lace with hers and looked up at him.
    “You good?” he asked. The concern in his voice helped her shake off some of the affects.
    She nodded. “I’m good.” So it might have been a little bit of a lie, but she didn’t want him worrying about her when there were more important things to be doing.
    She noticed that the others had already headed off in different directions. Cush began to lead her through the maze of games and people. He walked with a confidence and appeal that had heads turning. Elora was sure the clothes that encased his fine physique had a little something to do with it as well. In short, Cush looked stunning.
    “What exactly are we looking for?” she asked him silently.
    “In particular we’re looking for Lorsan. But finding where he’s keeping the Rapture would be just as important. And finding The Book of the Elves is also a must. I’m thinking where we find Lorsan is where we will find the book.”
    They continued their slow perusal of the casino, nonchalantly sauntering through the different gaming areas. Elora knew the moment they got near the bar. The energy seemed to ratchet up several notches and the noise with it. Loud laughter rose up around them as people crowded around tall, round tables and the long bar along the wall. In every hand Elora could see a glass filled with a shimmering red liquid.
    It didn’t take long for the notorious violence that came with the Rapture to make an appearance as the bartender began to cut certain people off.  She watched as two large bouncers headed over to the bar where two men were beginning to demand the bartender give them what they wanted. One of the men bumped into a woman standing next to him. Then the man on the other side of her, who Elora assumed was with the recently jostled woman, confronted the man who bumped into her. From there the situation escalated very quickly.
    Right before Elora’s eyes, pushing and shoving commenced, and then punches began to be thrown. Even a few glasses of Rapture were snapped from one hand only to be downed by the snatcher, which didn’t go over too well with the theft victims. The bouncers were attempting to get things under control, but they were simply outnumbered. She heard Cush curse low under his breath and then turn to her. “Don’t get any closer and do not move from this spot.” Then she watched as her warrior rushed into the fray to assist the sinking bouncers.
    As Elora watched the violence before her, she once again began to feel the undeniable pull of her darker nature. The sounds of the fighting began to fade and all she could hear instead was the pulsing music that was being played throughout the casino. The beat was intoxicating. It called to her. Come dance; come play. Her feet began to move of their own accord and before she knew it she was walking away from the spot where Cush had rooted her. She didn’t know where she was going and she didn’t really care. She just wanted to let go. She wanted to be one with the night, to bask in the pleasures that begged for her attention.
    Everything around her faded from view until all she could see was the path in front of her. Elora left the main gaming room of the casino headed in the direction of a different kind of music. As she rounded a corner, she saw lights flickering from a single door that was held open by a big, burly guy. The

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