Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series

Free Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series by Quinn Loftis

Book: Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series by Quinn Loftis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Quinn Loftis
clasping her small hand in his larger one.
    She turned to look at him and knew that her eyes were wide with wonder. “Do you think all the lights just make it worse? Maybe if we’d arrived during the day it wouldn’t seem so appealing.”
    Cush squeezed her hand gently. “That had been the plan but after getting those glimpses of the dark elves following us I had to take some detours. I’m sorry if this made it harder on you.”
    She closed her eyes as she fought the siren call of sin city. Elora looked deep inside her reaching for things that represented light and goodness in her life. She wanted to push away the dark impulses and so she was going to have to focus on the things in her life that mattered more to her than her own desires. She thought of Cassie and the pain she was in as she searched for her parents. She thought of Lisa and how she’d done all she could over the years to protect her and her brother from their father’s dark world. And then she thought of Cush, her light elf warrior. He had brought a new kind of light to her life, one that shined brighter than anything else. Surely these things would be enough to help fortify her from making some very bad decisions.
    “I’m good,” she finally said.
    Cush had pulled into a parking lot across the street from the casino, Iniquity. As they climbed out of the vehicle, Elora turned and looked at the building that seemed to loom over them ominously, as though it dared them to enter and then leave untouched by its influence. She wondered if they would make it in and out alive and if they would be the same afterward. Could a person, human or elf, come face-to-face with such strong, alluring, and tempting pleasures and not be affected? She really wanted to say yes to that question, but as she watched humans stumble from the casino, their eyes glazed over with the film of alcohol and, more than likely Rapture as well, she truly doubted that they would come out unscathed.
    “The sooner we go in there, the closer we will be to ending this mess,” Syndra spoke up grabbing everyone’s attention. She motioned for everyone to get closer to her. She made movements over each of them while muttering under her breath. One by one, their clothes shimmered and changed, converting into clothes much more appropriate for the club scene than the jeans, t-shirts, or cargo pants they’d been wearing.
    Elora’s eyes widened as she looked down at the outfit that the light elf queen had covered her in. She wore red high heels, black fishnet tights, a black miniskirt, and a halter top that hung off one shoulder. Her mom’s outfit wasn’t much better. Her eyes met Cush’s and she could tell by the clenched jaw and narrowed eyes that he wasn’t too happy about the clothes, or lack thereof, that she was sporting.
    “Is this really all you could come up with?” Lisa asked as she motioned to the tight red pants and halter top that enveloped her body.
    Syndra shrugged. “It’s Vegas, might as well go big.”
    The guys were dressed in slacks and dark shirts that gave glimpses of their chests from the several buttons that were left undone. Elora wasn’t going to complain; the view she was getting of Cush was going to be forever ingrained in her memory.
    “Listen up.” Syndra clapped her hands. “To each other, our faces will look the same, but to everyone around us, they will see someone else. The glamour will make the dark elves see elves, and the humans will see humans. The spell should last several hours so everyone check your phones and make sure that we all have the same time.”
    They all pulled phones out and did as she asked. Once everyone was on the same page, Syndra continued with her instructions. “We will meet back here in exactly three hours. Lisa and Oakley, you two will be a pair, and the lovebirds will be a pair. Being that I can hold my own, I will be on my own. We will spread out in the casino. Keep your eyes and ears open for Lorsan and his men. And for

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