Galactic Earth

Free Galactic Earth by G.S. Luthra

Book: Galactic Earth by G.S. Luthra Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.S. Luthra
the evil galactic politicians and draconian reptilians. The plan for NWO is a part of this, which is a hierarchy where they reign supreme. They have conquered many other planets and intend to do the same with earth.
    Blueprints for the epic conquests of earth have already been developed, and are currently being exercised. NWO stands for New World Order. It is a plan for a global dictatorship. Having a world government, with a world money system, a world bank, world military, world religion, a world everything system where the population is implanted with nano-chips that are linked to a central super computer. You may say that is quackery. Take a look at your history, what has happened up till present day? The government is bigger, more powerful, and the people have less control. The rulers are smart. They know shoving their agenda too fast will cause a rebellion. That is why it is all carefully and cleverly planned to slowly, but steadily advance their agenda.
    Greed is another powerful force in human beings. The government bureaucrats who are helping the evil aliens are after power. They think that by helping them they will get control. Some are even doing it out of fear. Others believe that they can play along, and later on throw out the aliens and rule the world. Irrationality can over take the minds of power hungry greedy pigs. It is amazing that people are willing to sell out their race for power. Although there are those who were controlled since infancy, many have volunteered to join the big brother hierarchy to dominate the earth. Helpful information provided by good people has created a little stir on earth. More people know what’s going on today than before, and more are becoming open to new ideas and concepts. The awakening of humans is threatening the powers that be. The government is afraid of losing their grip. They know that the people can alter everything overnight.
    Military, weapons, and government will be no match against the spiritual people of earth. That is why the powers that be are trembling. Hope this isn’t too much for you to take in. It’s a lot, but there’s no time for dwindling. You’ve got to be exposed to this. Let’s make one thing clear. Reptilians, government, aliens, all evil beings, they are all…nothing. That’s right, nothing. Too many fanatic fools place too much emphasis and attention on them. You’re only hearing it from me just for your awareness, but make no mistake, these slimy, slippery impudent moron punks are just a sac of scum. THEY HAVE NO POWER, they can’t even run their own lives properly. Anybody who needs to control others like this truly is a loser. So don’t pay any attention to them, keep your focus on the goal, to create heaven on earth.
    Focus on God and your higher purpose on earth. There are many opportunities on earth so use the resources and facilities available to you to better yourself and the planet. Study, obtain skills in the field of your passion and use them to contribute to the improvement of humanity. God is always there to guide, you just need to relax, pray, and receive.

Practical Solutions
    Dream big, work smart!
    The mighty man tames himself, the weak man tames others.
    Scared boys appear to be strong by controlling others to serve them shying away from their lack, yet they are all eventually eliminated by the strength of the brave men.
    Residing deep within you, is the power to change the world. Yes, you are the one who can make real difference on this earth! Although you may not realize it, latent ability is patiently waiting to shine out from your soul. You may have not been able to communicate this incredible feeling to yourself or others, but yearned for guidance. The fact you are reading this book is no coincidence. Fortunately, you have been given this opportunity and now you will automatically become better as I have embedded special power within these pages to reach out to your subconscious and even

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