Galactic Earth

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Book: Galactic Earth by G.S. Luthra Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.S. Luthra
to your heart, to bring out all that heavenly glory surging throughout you this very moment.
    Consider yourself VERY lucky.
    Ok, so enough already about the aliens, elite political idiots, and so on. Let’s discuss what you can do collectively as a race to over throw these bums. Contrary to what you may have been told, YOU are in power, you always have. If you want to kill a fish, take away its water and give it air.
    Money, power, and votes are like the evil elites’ swimming pool. Simply take them away, and watch these creatures flop around like the helpless fools that they are!
    Therefore, to shake things up around here do the following:
    Don’t vote for any political party. Instead, support independent individuals who clearly state their interest in your freedom.
    Spend your money on local or small family companies. Boycott huge multinational corporations who financially support politicians and use hazardous substances in their products. This will make more effective changes as opposed to rioting.
    Give them the cold shoulder. Take their power away by giving no attention. This means avoiding all mainstream media, the stupid TV shows, Hollywood productions, radio, internet sites that are part of the big brother club, “social media”, environmental quacks, extremists, religious fanatics, and alike. This includes alternative media who only focus on the conspiracy. Your energy goes to where you direct your focus on.
    Support independent or non-political advocating companies who promote uplifting entertainment, music, art, etc. that inspires you.
    In other words, don’t give them your money, attention, or vote. Write complaints to legislators of the current situation and demand action. The government wants to RFID tag your car, your wallet, and shoes, no way! Exercise passive refusal of unconstitutional laws.
    Use passive non-compliance, this takes guts as so it comes last, but bind together and peacefully veto passed laws that violate your freedoms. This includes unjust taxes, “mandatory” vaccines, unapproved monitoring of the public, airport security harassment, or anything that compromises your rights. What would happen if people all came together for the common good? You would see instant new changes. You have power in where you spend money and your vote, use it!
    Everything you say, or do will be recorded if you fail to take action. Don’t care? Fine, don’t then. Watch what happens. You say that now, but once you realize that your freedom is gone, it’ll be too late. Arrogant academic morons have no clue, pity.
    A space army is being built to conquer other planets.
    Draconian elites wish to rule the entire universe. Using the humans as a tool for taking over other planets is their plan. They will stop at nothing until their goal is complete. Government wants to create a world of the government, by the government, and for the government.
    Beware of vaccines, genetic alterations of organic lifeforms and Nano-chips. These chips can control your mind. Nano-chips monitor your body and can send and receive signals. Signals can be picked up by your brain so these chips are used to control what you think. Animals are already being chipped, and federal governmental staff. Many of your personal items are tracked as well. They will lie, saying that it is for your own good, for your safety, and so on. Be alert, let the Great Spirit (God) guide you.
    A fake staged nuclear war is being planned to scare the masses so they will give up their power to government as that’s what it’s all about. The threat of an alien invasion may even be staged, so the rulers will use this excuse to make a world government. Most people, when they announce this, will panic. The secret government will then say oh, we need to come together as a race. We need to stand together as one! World government will be their solution to become a “unified” planet to stand against the alien invaders.

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