Galactic Earth

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Book: Galactic Earth by G.S. Luthra Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.S. Luthra
Pay no attention to this and if they present “good” aliens on TV, ignore it.
    Physical appearance isn’t good enough. Holographic technology exists to appear as a human, or something else like Hollywood makeup can be at changing a person’s look. You have to see beyond the physical.
    Use your talents to elevate humanity. Go to school and your degree and skills while avoiding the mumbo jumbo. Enterprise put your abilities to improve the life of mankind.
    Virtual reality, and mind altering video games these days are created to control. These games are like drugs, they distort your reality. They are becoming more real every year. The technology is becoming more aggressive and powerful just like with the new HD televisions. The graphics are becoming so vivid, that soon you will not be able to tell the difference. Scientists are even working on games to actually plug your consciousness into a fake computer generated world, where all the physical senses are exactly like the real world. With this they can keep you trapped in there, because the world will be so seductive that many will become addicted, and abandon the reality like they do with internet and video games. Also, mind programming is more powerful once your mind is plugged into the system of the game. Stay away from them until earth becomes sane and this type of technology is used for good purposes instead of abuse.
    Androids and other human like robots are being used as well. Robotic engineers in Japan have developed several human like bots. These droids are very life like. Developers are constantly modifying them to seem more human like. They are at the point where you can’t tell the difference between the two. Experiments have already been done in Japan where a group interacted with one of the machines, and most forgot they were talking to a body of metal and wires. More advances have been made and now robotic technology is growing all over the world. You can see it being used for industrial purposes and it is getting more sophisticated. This is very good, because robots can be used for doing hard labor and other routine boring tasks for humans. Good thing is, robots don’t get tired or complain!
    Maid service, flight attendants, and other jobs that humans were not meant to do can be done by machines. Japan has already started to implement them at airports as receptionists. This is a great step in human advancement, because it promises great potential. Robots can farm, do laundry, dishes, build houses, and other tasks to make life easier for people. However, it is important to mention what the government is up to. They use them for military, and controlling purposes. Control cameras can be inserted into androids spy on you. Also, there is a big push for selling these robots in the sex market. Unfortunately, when a great invention comes along, people find ways to use it for harm. The car was created for transportation, but people have used it for violence. Baseball bats, pens, and even kitchen tools were made for benefiting society, but have been used as weapons. The same applies to the robots. False fear is also shown in Hollywood movies to make people think that robots will take over, but this is because the government doesn’t want people to free themselves by using such automated technologies.
    Robots can help blind people walk, help handicapped people, maid service, hard labor, and can help solve social problems for human beings. Many people fear them, but this is just false conditioning. Machines can enhance our experience, but be aware because the government is already using them for military use, spying, sex, and control. You have seen many fantasy stories of robots taking over the world, again, another scare tactic. Also, that depends on how we choose to use them. Only in a competitive world with economic slavery (like ours) would people use them for destruction, which is already occurring. Also, robots are being used to take over

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