Their Ex's Redrock Serial Bundle 1-4
the reception party behind them and she could hear the beginnings of people dancing; it made her small sob into Vincent’s chest less noticeable.
    “Once I get my business done that bastard’s never going to treat you like that again,” Vincent vowed against her hair.
    Oh God. How wonderful was that? How amazing he saw ... that he really saw what they did to her. She held him tighter, burrowing into him. He began swaying them as if they were dancing on the edge of the party, and she appreciated him hiding her breakdown. An emotional collapse about seeing the newlyweds kissing so sweetly. It wasn’t just that, but she could pretend, and by pretending she could pull herself together.
    “Our cheating spouses could see us.” She finally muttered the thing bothering her, tilting her mouth up closer to Vincent’s ear.
    “They’re gone.” His hand stroked her back as she sighed.
    She wished for a tissue, but she only had her hands, and she pulled away a bit from Vincent, trying to wipe away what had to be raccoon eyes.
    “Here, use my shirt.” His hand pulled the bottom of his tee up, lifting it to her. Her gaze caught the lean ridges on his stomach and a new aching tightened low inside her, then even lower on her body.
    The gesture was so sweet it melted her heart as she used his shirt to wipe away the damage of her tears. Then she looked up at him and whispered, “Your wife is so beautiful.”
    Tess knew she sounded wounded, but she couldn’t help it. Vincent pulled her tightly back against him, bringing his mouth nearly to hers. “That fucking beauty’s surface only.” His hand grabbed the back of her head, holding her mouth nearly to his. “It’s not close to what you have.”
    Her heart lifted, and his mouth fitted over her lips. The kiss started out hot, turned deep, and grew into extremely passionate, going on for minutes, until she moaned into his mouth. He lifted his head with his gaze drilling into hers and she saw raw hunger for her in his endless black eyes.
    “Not here,” he uttered, and his gaze lifted, skimming the room. Then he had her hand and he was pulling her along with him. “Where’s your purse?” he asked over his shoulder. She pulled him to it, snagged it, and then he took over again.
    She couldn’t lie to herself that she didn’t know what he was doing and she should try to escape it. But ...
    “Fuck them,” she growled under her breath, then she walked faster, until Vincent could put his arm across her back as they hurried forward.
    He found a private, decked-out bathroom that looked as if it only took the keycard he swiped from his wallet. Inside was a black marble countertop with sleek waterfall faucets, a huge uncut mirror, and low lighting. The minute the door clicked shut behind them Vincent’s hand was under her hair, grabbing the back of her head to pull her up to kiss him as he walked her backward with their lips moving from touching to urgent in a heartbeat.
    His other hand had her purse off her shoulder and she heard it hit the countertop she backed into. Vincent’s tongue dug deep, making her moan and clutch his sides. His hard body pressed into her as deeply as his tongue and he moved the back of her head where he wanted her mouth to go—until she practically climbed up his muscular body and he helped her by hooking an arm under her ass.
    “Open your legs,” he demanded in her mouth, and she separated her legs with her short skirt rising to her hips. He set her on the countertop and moved in, until the ridge of his thick erection rode her core. She whimpered, licking her tongue feverishly over his. His hands, free from holding her up, burrowed under her cami to the cups of her bra.
    He raised the cups off her breasts and his finger on one side tweaked her already taut nipple. “God,” she groaned, with her head falling back.
    “Top off,” he ordered on a growl heavy with lust.
    She tried to see through the haze of arousal licking through her ... to maybe

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