The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)

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Book: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) by Amy Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Marie
with my child’s father. Shit.
    His words suddenly sinking in that he is dating someone. How am I going to tell the man, who only shared one night with me that he is going to be a dad? I’m not sure how his girlfriend will handle Walker having a child with someone else but thinking about another woman in my little bean’s life scares me. There is no way I can tell him right now. I know I have to tell him, but I have to figure out how to do that. Blurting out that he knocked me up won’t go very well, even though he seems like he can be pretty blunt.
    Realizing I’ve zoned out I find him standing there, sexy hair and all, staring at my hands which have subconsciously made their way to my stomach.
    “You feeling okay, baby? Maybe remembering how I felt inside you? I can make that happen again.” His voice oozes seduction, and though the question pisses me off, the clothes he is wearing are now my focal point. It’s nothing close to the sexed up God look from that night. It’s even better.
    The dark forest green polo shirt is slim on his torso and showcases the pecs I used for support as I rode him almost three long lonely months ago. The ironed khaki pants are tight and hiding the beast that almost split me in two. My pulse quickens at the thought. Raising my eyes up to his one dimpled smirk and swallowing the lump in my throat, I know he has caught me. “Like what you see?”
    “You are so egotistical, you know that? And didn’t you say you were seeing someone, Walker? Don’t make those kinds of comments to me and then go home to someone else,” I say in a hushed tone, finally breaking my silence.
    “I don’t think she would mind, Erin. In fact, it's you that I'm seeing. You’re all I see. All I’ve seen for months now. I can’t get you out of this goddamn head of mine.” He taps the side of his temple to make his point. “Every time I close my eyes I see your beautiful brown eyes hovering above me, using me for pleasure.”
    I can’t breathe and my mind is processing thoughts faster than I can comprehend them. My brain and my mouth aren’t in sync and the time I needed to think is apparently over because I blurt out, “I’m pregnant.”
    His eyes bore into mine searching for the truth to my words and trying to take in the bomb I just dropped. “You’re...”
    “Mr. Prescott?” Principal Callow interrupts before this earth shattering dialogue continues.
    “I apologize about interrupting your conversation with Ms. Decker but I’d like to introduce you to the Superintendant.” Once Walker reluctantly allows himself to be dragged away, I fall into the chair next to me, watching as he walks away. Right before reaching the Super he turns, anger in his eyes. My body can’t move fast as I stand up to run out of the gym. Keeping the tears at bay, I make it to my car in record time.
    In the comfort of the front seat, I let them fall freely, not caring about holding them in anymore. “FUCK!” I scream louder than I ever thought possible. Pain shoots through my right hand as I hit the steering wheel repeatedly.
    “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” I say, each time slamming my palms down.
    How could I tell him like that? I should have waited a little longer. Sat him down. Told him I had some news. Not blurt it out like a moron in the middle of the gym for Christ’s sake!
    I start the car and put it in reverse gliding out of the parking spot. A loud bang on the roof shakes me to the core. “ERIN!” Walker’s muffled yell hits my ears.
    Not looking at him I put the car in drive and leave him standing there. Blindly searching in my bag, I find my phone and attempt to call Noelle.
    A honking horn blares, and I slam on the brakes just in time to stop at a stop sign. The angry driver passes through the intersection shaking his fist at me. I can’t hear him, but I’m sure he is yelling obscenities and giving me the middle finger.
    I inwardly scold myself. I need to keep this baby in mind at all times. No more stupid

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