The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)

Free The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) by Amy Marie

Book: The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) by Amy Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Marie
to him consumes me and I drag my gaze down to the floor. The steps seem steeper and higher, my legs struggle to climb them. When I am finally within arm’s length I raise my chin, sticking my hand out to shake his. His hand covers mine, and the electricity between them is profound. I can’t help but remember how those hands felt elsewhere.
    “Nice to meet you, Mr. Prescott,” I say, stomach rising to my throat. Please don’t throw up on him. “Welcome to the team.”
    “Thank you...what is it again? Sally?” A knowing smirk greets me, and I now know for sure, he remembers.
    “Uhm, it’s Erin actually. Erin Decker,” I say, my words barely a whisper.
    “Well, it's nice to finally have a face to a name.” His words roll like silk off of his tongue.
    I force a smile and walk back to my seat. The introductions and meeting continue, and I feel his gaze lingering on me. As soon as we are dismissed my mortification takes precedence over my hunger, and I bolt for the exit.
    My room is still very much empty, but that is the least of my worries. I need to get out of here and fast. I had come to grips with the fact that I would never find him, and that my child would grow up without a father, but, he is right in front of me, and I just want to run. Grabbing my belongings, I head to the bathroom since my bladder can’t contain itself any longer. Washing and drying my hands, I use a paper towel to open the door and am met with a face worth a thousand melted panties. His tongue brushes over his lips, mine doing the same.
    He takes a step forward forcing me to retreat back into the bathroom. One more step and we are behind the privacy of the door, and my back is against the wall. Both of his hands rise up to my cheeks as he plants them on either side of my head and that earth shattering tongue glides over his plump mouth again. As he inches his way closer and closer my eyes slam shut and my lips part waiting for his mouth to be on me, for all of those hormone induced dreams to become reality.
    Heated breath hits my right ear. “Oh, Sally. I’ve thought so much about you since our night together. The way you felt on top of me. I’ve never come so hard in my life. Then you leave me with no way to find you. Until today, Sally. Until today when I saw you walk into the gym. Beautiful and glowing. This job is going to bring you and I closer and I hope we can get to know each other deeper. Tell me...Sally, can we get any deeper?” His teeth nip my ear causing a familiar ache between my thighs. His hold drops and before I can open my eyes, he is out the door. Anger surges through me at how quickly he had me almost bent over the sink.
    Throwing the door open I shout to his retreating back, halfway down the hallway to the gym. “IT’S ERIN!”
    “I know,” he yells, waving a hand without looking back and still continuing to walk away. Mustering up the strength not to run from him, I stomp towards the gym.
    The door hits the wall when I throw it open, and I immediately scan the crowd to find Walker next to Emma with her wandering hands. Jealously carries my legs to them.
    “Erin, I was wondering where you went. I was just telling Walker here how available I am.” Her arms rub up and down his forearm. “Maybe we could double date, huh? Walker and me, you and Robert. It would be fun!”
    “Robert? Well, that sounds adventurous ,” he says mocking me. Walker’s tone tells both Emma and me that the idea doesn’t suit him. “Don’t you think Sal...I mean Erin? A night out with you and your boyfriend wouldn’t be unadventurous at all.”
    I look him directly in the eyes. “I've been known to be very adventurous,” I retort, running my tongue along my lips and biting the lower one.
    “I don’t doubt that, at all,” he says pushing Emma’s hands off his arms, looking straight at me. “I’m sorry, Emma. I am seeing someone at the moment.”
    True to Emma’s form, she lets out an audible huff and leaves me alone

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