Careless Whisper

Free Careless Whisper by Wendi Zwaduk

Book: Careless Whisper by Wendi Zwaduk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Zwaduk
needing to hear the words. “Tell me in your mind.”
    Once again, she glanced over her shoulder. Her pants filled the air, but her unspoken words rang out loud and clear in his head. “Yours.”
    Ryan ripped the condom packet with his teeth and sheathed himself with his free hand. He grasped her hip and guided his cock into the rosy ring of muscle. “Beautiful.” He moaned as his dick slid into her body. “I can’t last. Damn, you make me want you so much.”
    Pumping his hips and plucking at her clit, he pistoned in and out of her tight channel, thrilled with each moan and whimper escaping her lips. Perspiration dotted her back and glistened on her spine. “So good…I want to come.”
    “Come for me, babe.” A feral cry erupted from his throat and he slumped forward as the orgasm washed over him. He latched onto the tender bit of skin between her neck and shoulder, leaving a love bite. The salty taste of her skin lingered on his tongue. He gulped oxygen, his cock still in her ass. “Ho- ly fuck, that was good.”
    A cross between a sigh and a giggle passed between her lips. “You’re squashing me. I like it, but it’s hard to breathe mashed against the couch arm.”
    Withdrawing from her bottom, Ryan stood. He tossed the spent condom in the trash and scooped Samara into his arms. “Let me worship you.”
    Resting her head on his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his waist. “You make it sound so simple.”
    He led her into the bathroom in silence. The thought of questioning her cryptic statement crossed his mind more than once. He turned on the searing spray in the shower. In what seemed like a trance-like state, she allowed him to run the soapy cloth over her body. Once he rinsed them both off, he shut off the water and shrouded her in a towel. “What are you thinking?” There. He’d broken the silence. Why did his heart rate thunder and his palms sweat. Had he pushed her too far?
    She stared at him with glazed eyes. “The power is back on, it’s morning, I’m relaxed and could fall asleep right here in your arms.”
    Ryan released the breath he didn’t realise he’d held. “How about snuggling with me in bed?” Taking her hand, he strolled into the bedroom and turned down the sheet. “I’ll hold you forever if you’d like.”
    “Sounds perfect,” she murmured.
    Less than three seconds after her head hit the pillow, Samara drifted off to sleep. Maybe it wasn’t his back she’d ground her ass into, still, he wouldn’t change a thing. Eddie, for all his bluster, had the right idea. Being with the right woman at the right time made all the difference. He loved her more than he thought possible. Burying his nose in her hair and twining his arms around her abdomen, he succumbed to blissful, Samara-filled dreamy sleep.
    * * * *
    The screech of her cell phone tore Samara from slumber.   Drawing a deep breath, she opened her eyes slowly. A male groan rumbled along her back. Ryan. The warmth of his breath kissed her shoulder. “I love you, Samara, so much.”
    “Yeah.” One night combined with over a year of yearning culminated into bone-deep need. The words, I love you , teetered on her tongue just out of reach. The shrill ring of another cell phone broke the silence.
    Ryan groaned and scrubbed his hand over his face. “Why is my phone ringing when I want to cuddle you?”
    “You’re popular.”
    He rolled over and rubbed his erection between her thighs. “Fuck it. They can leave a voice mail. I’d rather stay where it’s soft and sexy—with you.”
    “It could be an emergency.” She nibbled on his chin, licking and sucking her way to his ear lobe. “Go answer it. I’ll still be here.”
    “Yeah?” Ryan slid off of her in a huff. He sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed something off the floor. “Will you wear my shirt?”
    Samara scooted across the bed and wrapped her arms around his torso.   “If it’s yours, I’ll happily wear it.”
    Ryan turned, smoothing his

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