Rushed (The Rushed Series)

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Book: Rushed (The Rushed Series) by Gina Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Robinson
class is going to blow your mind. I'm not here to flunk you out or tank your GPA. My goal is to give you an appreciation for the best music on the planet.
    "The term 'rock and roll' emerged from the rhythm and blues fusion music in the nineteen fifties. Most white Americans have no concept of the original meaning of the term. 'Rock and rolling' was originally used in the African American community of the day to mean 'having sex.'  
    "'Sex, drugs, and rock and roll' is, therefore, a redundant statement." He laughed. "Disc jockey Alan Freed coined the term, naming his radio show, where he played a collection of rhythm and blues albums, 'The Rock and Roll Show' with full knowledge of its sexual connotations. And yes, that will be on the test."
    Sitting next to Alexis, the last thing I needed to be reminded of was sex. Like it wasn't on my brain constantly when she was around. Crap. Now I was in a class with her that was essentially named "The History of Sex." It was burned in my brain with the music.
    Near the end of the period, the prof sprang a joint assignment on us. "Pair up! I have a playlist I want you to listen to, discuss, and write a joint paper on what you experience when you listen to it."
    Alexis turned to me. "I choose you."
    Shit. More dangerous territory. There was no way to turn her down. "You sure? You don't even know me. I could be a slacker and not do my part."
    "I'll take that chance." She paused. "Besides, I know where you live and how to make you pay."
    "You're an evil woman."
    She grinned.
    The bell rang. The prof dismissed the class.
    Alexis grabbed her backpack. "Let's go to the College Grind and get a head start on our assignment."
    I froze. Until that check came, I didn't have money for three-dollar cups of coffee. "What kind of a Double Deltsie are you, overachiever?"
    "The kind who likes music and good company."  
    I grabbed my backpack. "I should get back to the house—"
    "And what? Study? Isn't that what I'm asking?" She started down the aisle. "My treat. I'm buying. If you can resist free iced coffee, you are not the man I thought you were."
    Like I could resist a taunt like that. I swallowed my pride and caught up to her in two steps. I bent and whispered in her ear. "I'm trying to give you an out, pledge. FYI, the girls don't hang with the houseboys outside the house and certain sanctioned frat parties and events. It's not good for your image to be seen with the help."
    She shrugged and kept walking. "They can't complain about me doing homework with my partner."
    "But somehow they still will. You don't get it—we're from two different worlds."
    She raced on, expecting me to follow her like her puppy dog. And damn, but I did.  
    "I don't think we are, Zach. In case you haven't noticed, we don't have a caste system here."  
    I followed her into the crowded hall. "We have something worse—peer pressure."
    She flashed me a flirty smile. "I handle pressure like a pro. Years of dealing with my mom. Come on, Zach. Chill. It's just a cup of coffee. Do I have to beg? Or are we going to do this assignment at the last minute? In the study room in full view of everyone." She laughed like the thought was delicious.
    "Yeah, beg. I like it when girls beg." She had me where she wanted me. I pictured Morgan giving us death looks. The College Grind was safer.
    Alexis laughed and grabbed my arm. "Please, please, please . Pretty please." She batted her eyes with her ridiculously long lashes, exaggerating comically for effect.  
    How could any hetero guy resist that? Up close, I could see a faint spray of freckles across her nose. She had a light scar on her chin that she'd tried to hide with makeup. She wasn't perfect. She wasn't even the most gorgeous Double Deltsie in the house. But her face was arresting. Her long blond hair fell around her shoulders, tempting a guy to run his fingers through it. My pulse wouldn't stop racing.
    She was damn striking. Imperfect enough to be real. Her personality was

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