0748469001330321113 slavetoherdesires jillmyles

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Book: 0748469001330321113 slavetoherdesires jillmyles by Jill Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Myles
waiting, his mouth slightly open with surprise as he stared at me, helpless and stuck in place.
    Rage washed over me. David was betraying me. I knew it. I knew it. He was too good to be true. He was just like the others. I‘d been a fool to go to him for help.
    ―Olivia,‖ David began. He reached for me.
    I lashed out, backhanding him. The snap of my hand on his jaw was deafening in the room. I snarled again, reaching for him, desperate. My feet were anchored to the ground because of his command, but my arms were free, and I reached for him, clawing. I‘d kick and scream the entire way down if I had to. ―You will not fucking use me! No one gets to use me!‖
    ―Olivia!‖ David said sharply. ―You are hurting yourself. Stop it.‖
    The look on his face was as cold as I felt. I snapped back into place, unable to even protest anymore. My eyes glittered with tears of fury but I blinked them away, nostrils flaring with rage.
    He stared at me, and I didn‘t know what he was thinking.
    ―It‘s very good that we have her master here,‖ Julian said in an emotionless voice.
    ―Clearly she needs to be kept under control.‖

    Slave To Her Desires

    The rage burned through me again, and I closed my eyes, willing myself to breathe calmly. Wait for the chance to strike. Then I‘d kill that goddamn asshole. David too, for betraying me like this. My wild thoughts spun faster and faster, full of fury and rage and fear.
    David‘s voice cut through the whirl of my thoughts. ―Olivia. Listen to me.‖
    My ears strained at the command and I bit my knuckle hard, wanting to scream and unable to.
    ―You will follow the boy to our room,‖ David said, his voice soft, the command clenching through my body. ―You will sit there and wait for me. Quietly. You will not move until I arrive, and you will not hurt yourself. Understand?‖
    It didn‘t matter if I understood. My body locked into the command and my heart shuddered to ice inside my breast. Forced against my will, I followed the boy out into the hall and down another corridor. Rage and anger blinded me. I could see nothing beyond my tears of betrayal.
    David was using me like I was nothing. Like I had no say in the matter. Whatever the Serim wanted, he‘d force me to do in some misguided attempt to save me. I knew what they wanted. It was a monastery full of creatures that needed to have sex once a month to live. I wasn‘t dumb. I was a succubus – I could fulfill their needs. I‘d heard darker stories, too. Of succubi raped by angels and forced to bear their children. I stared at the back of the boy in front of me, but I could ask him nothing. David‘s command wouldn‘t permit that.
    I‘d trusted him, and he was using me. The thought hurt worse than any razorblade.
    Seething with rage and betrayal, I almost didn‘t notice that we arrived at a large room.
    The boy opened the door and stepped aside, waiting for me to enter, and my compelled body had no choice. I stalked forward on wobbly legs and saw that the room was empty. Two twin beds, a 67

    Slave To Her Desires

    large empty floor, and a table and chair off to one side. A large window let the sunlight wash in.
    Stiffly I turned and, just like I‘d been commanded, sat and waited in silence.
    Waited for the master who had betrayed me to come back.
    You will not move until I arrive , he‘d commanded.
    So I waited, and plotted. Thinking of a way to escape the new man I‘d put myself in the control of. I felt shattered, made of broken glass. I‘d let my guard down. Allowed myself to like David. To actually…care for him. To feel the same flutter of adoration that I‘d felt 120 years ago when I‘d first met him. Allowed myself to think that maybe I could find someone to spend my Afterlife with after all.
    Now I recognized his real face, and it sickened me with disappointment.
    Time passed. My betrayal didn‘t abate as the minutes ticked by – it only grew stronger, the pit of acid burning in my stomach

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