0748469001330321113 slavetoherdesires jillmyles

Free 0748469001330321113 slavetoherdesires jillmyles by Jill Myles

Book: 0748469001330321113 slavetoherdesires jillmyles by Jill Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Myles
presence, Olivia.‖

    Slave To Her Desires

    And he leaned in and kissed me. A gentle kiss, his mouth coaxing mine open. After a moment, I responded, rewarded with the stroke of his tongue against mine. A delicious heat began to unfurl in my body—
    Someone knocked on the car window, interrupting us. We broke apart, and I looked up to see Noah standing outside the car, his face grim.
    ―Will they let us stay?‖ David asked.
    ―Yes, and no,‖ Noah said. His mouth was a tight line of anger. ―Come. They want to see you and Olivia.‖


    Slave To Her Desires

Chapter Four
    The doors of the monastery opened slowly, and a figure bowed.
    I looked into the face of the man at the door as he straightened. To my surprise, he was young – no more than fifteen years of age. His face was youthful and soft, but he easily topped seven feet and his shoulders were a broad, sharp triangle that had not yet filled out with muscle.
    He‘d be a massive man once he grew into his size. He wore a long, plain white robe like a penitent, and his light brown ponytail was long enough to make me wonder if it had ever been cut. His expression was tranquil as he shut the door behind us, then gestured that we should follow him in.
    The corridor was long and freezing cold. If this place had central heat, they weren‘t saving it for the visitors. Then again, maybe they didn‘t get many visitors. I watched the bare feet of our guide pad down the cold marble hallway and rubbed my arms, giving an involuntary shiver. Something about this creeped me out. It shouldn‘t have – the ceilings were vaulted and windows covered the walls, filling the place with light. But there were no furnishings – just bare empty halls. The entire place felt…cold. Barren. Lifeless.
    The boy showed us in to a large audience chamber, then bowed and exited, his pale eyes flashing. A man sat across from us, seated at a plain wooden table with an equally plain chair. It was the only furniture I had seen in the building so far. There were no other ornamentations in this room – no paintings, no rug in front of the large hearth that took up one wall. Nothing except sunlight and barren rooms.

    Slave To Her Desires

    The man was clearly a Serim. He wore the same simple cloth robe that the younger man had worn, without a bit of ornamentation. His hair was dark and pulled into a short queue at the base of his neck. His skin was tanned a deep olive, his silver eyes bright in his face. His features were perfectly sculpted, and he looked like an archangel of old.
    Probably because he was, I told myself.
    He gave our party a welcoming smile that struck me as insincere. He gestured at the floor. ―Sit.‖
    My hackles arose at the sound of his voice. This was a man used to giving orders. I stared at him, the coldly silver eyes. This was giving me a bad, bad feeling.
    David didn‘t move, just frowned at the man. I looked over at Noah and noticed he was looking at me expectantly. Well, damn. The order to sit on the floor was only for me. I could guess why – this man wanted to debase me for what I was.
    As if it were somehow my fault that I was a succubus.
    I sat, though I wasn‘t pleased about it. Everything in me was protesting against this set-up. Serim were just as manipulative as vampires. They just pretended to be nice while controlling your life. At least vampires didn‘t pretend.
    David put a hand on my head, smoothing the short hair of my wig. I didn‘t need comfort, and I nearly bit out a nasty response until I saw the expression of the Serim who sat across from us. He‘d noted David‘s possessive gesture and I could see the wheels turning behind his eyes as he calculated our relationship.
    The room was silent for a long, uncomfortable moment. Then, the man steepled his fingers and gave a brief nod to both Noah and David. ―Greetings, brothers. It has been many, 63

    Slave To Her Desires

    many years since I have seen either of you. I go by the name of

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