Paranormal Fantasies: A Promotional Collection of 14 Erotic Supernatural Stories
voice cold and stern.
"How many times have I told you, when I come home to you, I expect
my pet to be wearing his collar?"
    "I had business tonight, Mistress. Please, I was going to put
it back on as soon as I got in - please forgive me..."
    "Hmmm," she said, stepping back and taking the stake away.
"Open the door."
    He nodded nervously and turned back to the door, quickly
unlocking it and pushing it open. She pushed past him brusquely,
stepping into the unlit apartment.
    "Turn the light on."
    He did. The apartment was spare and utilitarian in its
furnishings, as she'd expected. She'd been surprised by it, once -
he was nearly three times her age, and she had expected more...
more stuff, she'd supposed. With time, however, she'd come to learn
that the sparseness of his possessions was something of a pragmatic
necessity. A vampire concealing his identity in the world of
mortals had to be able to pack quickly and travel light. And Alex
in particular traveled around the country so often for his business
ventures that the less he had to pack, the better. His living room
consisted of little more than a futon, a floor lamp, a coffee
table, and a few framed pictures on the walls to give a little
personality to the room.
    She dropped her purse onto the coffee table and set down the
stake next to it, then turned to face him. He had closed and locked
the door while she appraised the room, and was watching her
anxiously. One fang stuck out as he bit his lower lip nervously,
hands clasped in front of him.
    "I'm not happy with you, Alexander."
    He bowed his head quickly. "I'm sorry, Mistress."
    "But I might forgive you, if you can make it up to me
    He looked up at her, hope and apprehension mingling in his
eyes. She smiled, sitting on the futon and crossing her legs. The
sudden widening of his eyes and embarrassed glance away told her
he'd gotten a glimpse of what she was - and wasn't - wearing under
her overdress, and her smile grew wider. It was going to be a good
night, she felt.
    "Take off your clothes," she commanded. He didn't so much as
hesitate before peeling off his turtleneck, tossing it to the side
before fumbling with his belt buckle. Jen raised an
    "What do you say , Alexander?"
    He froze with his hands on his waistband, and coughed
    "Y... yes, Mistress."
    "That's better." She'd almost said 'good boy', but she had to
keep in character. Normally she would have let his lapse in
protocol slide, in the face of his obvious eagerness, but tonight
she was going to have to play the disciplinarian. He was being
'punished', after all. "Continue."
    Alexander nodded, and pushed his pants and underwear down in
one motion. Jen couldn't help being astonished at how quickly he'd
gotten hard - it had been mere minutes, and his cock was already
flushed and standing at attention. She licked her lips again,
admiring its thickness and its slight upward curve. No matter how
many times she saw him naked, in all his statuesque glory, she
didn't think she would ever get tired of the sight.
    "You've eaten recently," she observed. He must have, to have
the blood supply necessary for such a gorgeous erection. At least
within the past week or so. "Not a human, I trust."
    "No, Mistress," he said softly. "I went hunting up in the
mountains on Saturday. It was a deer."
    "Good," she said. "You may have neglected to wear your collar,
but at least you haven't gone completely feral in the time we've
been apart."
    It was a false equivalence and they both knew it - he'd never liked hunting
humans, and her prohibition only gave him additional incentive not
to do it - but he had the decency to look shamefaced, shyly turning
his eyes downward. He was getting into character, too.
    The silence stretched on for a few moments, and she soon
realized he was not going to defend himself. Either he was waiting
for permission to speak, or he was honestly remorseful about the
collar. The idea of that charmed her. She'd only picked on that as

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