Simon: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 3)

Free Simon: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 3) by Cara Nelson

Book: Simon: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 3) by Cara Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Nelson
    She looked at me and our eyes locked, until she shook her head like she was trying to stop it from freezing in place. “Look, Simon, I’m sorry for the way I acted on the phone the other night. You caught me off guard, but that was no excuse for having such lousy manners.  Unacceptable really…”
    “Jessie, you don’t need—“ She put up her hand to stop me. I wanted to tell her I had no hard feelings, but instead I listened, trying to focus on what she was saying, but honestly, those full beautiful lips of hers distracted me.  They were so amazing, plump and seductive, mostly because she didn’t realize that she was that type of woman.  And that was hot! But I was a bit put out by this burst, this interruption that seemed unnecessary to me. We had a lot of work to do for this concert and was traveling out here really the best use of her time?
    Somehow, in Jessie’s rambling confession, I found myself moving closer to her, trying to acknowledge I was listening. Only moving closer didn’t help. I was doing a half decent job at best, because the closer I got to her, the more I just wanted to kiss her. Partly, so she’d just stop talking and take a breath, but mostly because she was so beautiful and irresistible. I wanted her lips pressed against mine. I moved in and before she probably realized what was going on, I pressed my mouth against hers and kissed her softly, then more urgently.
    Her lips opened slightly in response to mine, letting me know it was okay. She didn’t mind. Maybe this was the perfect way to recharge our working relationship. Or perhaps this was about something more than botany, it was about a growing chemistry between the two of us. I slowly pulled away and looked at her.
    Jessie was looking at me with her eyes wide open and a soft, almost angelic look on her face. “Why did you do that?” she asked.
    It was a fair question, but one that I had no answer for. I’d indulged in the moment and got carried away.

Chapter Thirteen:
Whoa and Wow
    There I was, just inches from his perfect face, staring at two large blue orbs while my lips tingled from the amazing kiss that he’d just planted on me. Talk about unexpected! But definitely in a good, do it again kind of way. Why the heck did I ask him why, though? It was completely unnecessary. What did I expect him to say, really? Well Jessie, I’m so hot for you and I can’t stop thinking about you. My face flushed.
    “You okay?” Simon asked, looking at me. Even with a bit of a smile on his face, he looked so thoughtful and concerned.
    “I’m good. That was nice…just surprising.”
    “I’ve been trying not to kiss you since I first met you,” he finally said.
    The guy knew the right thing to say in this situation, that much was for certain. Maybe that was how he made peace with someone. I liked it, but apologies would be nice, too.
    “Look, I’m sorry to barge in on you like I did, Simon. I just felt bad about our last conversation and then when you just blew me off, it well, kind of tripped me up. That’s how I ended up in LA. I promise I’m not crazy or a stalker or anything.”
    “All this is because I didn’t call you back?” he asked. He looked genuinely shocked and that was not something that I’d anticipated in all my scenarios.
    “Well, yes. We had two bad conversations and then you blew me off.”
    “I didn’t mean to, honestly, I was just so busy,” he said earnestly. I looked at him, Mr. Business, as I liked to think of him as, and was completely befuddled now. Suddenly, everything I had to say didn’t want to come out of my mouth.
    “I, uh, I really don’t know what to say. I’m kind of at a loss. Funny that I had plenty to say when I was thinking about it.” I chuckled a bit at my confession, but figured I might as well get it out in the open.
    “Would you like a glass of wine or something?” he asked.
    That was so nice. “I’d love one. You don’t mind?”
    “I am around people

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